Archived Starbucks in you store

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Jul 15, 2011
We do not have enough trained team members to work Starbucks so when the team member takes their break/lunch they shut the light off and hang a sign stating they will return in xxminutes. Does you store have enought members to work or do they shut down?
We didn't have a Starbucks in my store, but we had a very similar situation with Food Avenue. Very often, there was no one trained in the building to cover, so the GSTL would 'watch' Food Ave while the FATM took a break...and came back to find all of the food in the hot-hold expired and a few angry guests in the dining area because the GSTL either forgot that they were supposed to be watching Food Ave or got caught up with a guest. :facepalm:
I've had to do that a few times while I was a Starbucks TM, but it's technically very, very bad. It goes against Target's contract with Starbucks to have it shut down for any length of time, apparently, so if someone from Starbucks were to come in during that period, Target'd get in big trouble.
That's an automatic compliance. If your DM came into the store that's enough for them to shut the place down permanently. Having Starbucks as one of my departments I have to say that's been one of the issues for me since the start. My store never wants to get people trained unless we are in dire need of it. And we struggling with hours which makes it impossible really to train anyone. Im glad my team is amazing with attendance and its no issue what so ever. But if someone calls out were pretty much S.O.L. Food ave on the other hand is no problem it doesn't take to long to get some trained there that is if anyone wants to work there.
That's an automatic compliance. If your DM came into the store that's enough for them to shut the place down permanently. Having Starbucks as one of my departments I have to say that's been one of the issues for me since the start. My store never wants to get people trained unless we are in dire need of it. And we struggling with hours which makes it impossible really to train anyone. Im glad my team is amazing with attendance and its no issue what so ever. But if someone calls out were pretty much S.O.L. Food ave on the other hand is no problem it doesn't take to long to get some trained there that is if anyone wants to work there.

EXACTLY, and i beg and plead with my ETL-Food and ETL-HR to let me train ppl. I can think of 5 TM's off hand that would love to be SB trained! Next time my DM visits i'm just flat going to tell him whats going on!!
Our GSTL covers breaks for our Food Ave and our Cart Attendant would cover lunches.
My store has trained about 5 cashiers to watch food avenue (we have a pizza hut food avenue). However, they have only trained 1 person to watch Starbucks, and I keep trying to get myself trained there since I would personally like to work there once in a while. Every time I try the wrong GSA/GSTL is there because one of the GSA's actually wants to train me, but never gets the time. We have hired 2 new Starbucks team members so the experienced Starbucks team members are training them instead of me, but when they are done training they will still need someone to do lunches so I am hoping they train me there. :thumbsup:
My thoughts exactly. What the heck is ULV


I'm a TRAINER in starbucks, i'm begging for extra help, i have a LIST of TM's who want to x-train. We have a major backup problem too so i would love to have TM's trained to at least mark cups and ring sales.

I have this argument with my GSTL and ETLS all the time, 1+1 does NOT exclude starbucks! And neither does the 60 second response to my "Guest first" calls as well... UGHHH :blowup:
At my store, if there is no one to cover starbucks, you don't get a break. I can work an opening shift and my break is my thirty minute lunch after five hours of working. Then we have a GSA cover starbucks for thirty minutes (if they remember they are covering someone's lunch.) I have literally come back from lunch and there would be a line of people angry at me for leaving.
We don't have a Starbucks either, but we have the same problem with people covering Food Ave's breaks and lunches. On top of that our Food tm's have a seriously bad attendance issue! We can't go one day without someone either calling out or NCNS over there. The other day there was simply no one available to cover for a call-out and they kept Food closed. Wouldn't you know the DTL just happened to visit?! I'm hoping that will finally convince the exec's that more people need to be trained there.
In general at my Starbucks, unless we're working with another person, we just don't take breaks. There's a semi-decent number of people in our store who are trained for it, but we're usually made to feel extremely guilty if we have to go bother them to watch the place. I always make sure to take my meal before the person in front of me leaves (they're usually very early in my shift), and have only ever had to shut down twice during the past month when after being slammed for hours I had no more syrups made, and nobody else to make them while I helped customers.

I've heard references to Starbucks TMs with attendance issues in the past, but the group we have now is really solid, and especially the teenagers and college-age kids (including me) are really likely to come in if somebody has called out (not an affront to our older coworkers, but we just don't have kids or other jobs).

Our Food Avenue, though, has a lot of attendance issues, and the work-ethic among their TMs is much lower. The TL seems at her wit's end, and I've already talked to her about getting trained over there too. It's kinda depressing how much stress her employees give her, and she's so nice still.
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