Archived Target Canada merch in US stores?

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Jun 17, 2011
Anyone notice that the Bounty we've been getting in is measured in square meters AND it's trilingual? Made me a little sad pulling those a few days ago. Guess Spot wasn't going to clearance everything after all.
I remember I once found a Target Canada thing back when we still had leftover Target Home before it went Threshold.
By trilingual do you mean English, French, and Spanish?

If it was just French and English, I would definitely suspect it was a Canadian product. But 3 languages might just be P&G's way of saving money on packaging by having one package to use throughout North America.
There was a gray basket from Target Canada in the backroom last week and of course it was not on file.
We had Styrofoam bowls come in when they first opened. Can't be sold in the US though. There was a memo on redwire about it or something...
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