Archived Target closed, no pay?

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Because of YOU
May 1, 2014
I'm in the Northeast where we had a blizzard and Target stores all over were closed on Tuesday. Today, I'm told that if we want to get paid for yesterday, we would have to use a vacation day? What about employees who were scheduled to work but do not accrue vacation days? Something doesn't sound right about this. Thanks for any input!
Sorry man but that's the way it is.
If you had showed up for a shift and they told you to go home, you would have had to be paid for three hours.
But if the store is closed and you don't have any vacation or personal time, it's a lost day.

As unfair as that seems, they also lost a lot of money in sales, if that makes you feel any better.
I don't think any team member gives a fuck about lost sales. Lol. They just want to get paid. Don't care if Target doesn't make money.
Execs are paid regardless. TMs get paid by the time clock.
It's a bit more complicated. I'm not working today but if you search store closing on workbench it should come up. It matters if you are a TL or TM. TLs since they are full time are able to get paid if they are scheduled but then the store is closed. I think some TMs might be eligible if they are FT or speciality workcenters.
Thank you for replying. I've worked in other positions where the companies (non retail) would pay when closed for weather (exempt and non exempt). I've never worked in retail before background is finance. Everything seems different in the retail world...but I'm enjoying it. :)
At one time there was a payroll code for disaster or relief pay. Some time back my store sustained a power outage due to a straight line wind storm. Had to close in the early afternoon. Anyone scheduled for that day who could not work was paid.
sorry but I think this is pretty cut and dry. If you are not on the clock or doing work for target unless you are an ETL you don't get paid.
To be honest, its not right but its the way it is . I don't think there is anything that can be done about it .
it is what it is - sorry.. but it's not only Target. most places of business are that way.
Most retail stores you are lucky if they excuse the call-offs from before the decision to close was made.
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