Archived target mobile revisions

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Jun 21, 2011
Does anyone know how we are suppose to set the mobile revisions? I get the revisions which says which fixtures to delete but none of the phones have numbers on one knows how to actually do the revisions..I gave up - tied in it and ran...ugh
Took a little while but I figured it out. Use the line listing and the heights/lengths listed for each device, it'll give you the paddle (signholder), display phone (FIXTURE DIS MDXXXX), and the phone itself. Just follow it in conjunction with the picture, especially if your POG section(s) split down one of the carriers display sections, ie: our AT&T section is split down the middle by section 1 and section 2.

To keep things organized, we put sticky label holders on the inside of the paddles and placed the label for the phone itself with the fixture part # written on it inside.

Keep up the communication with the Mobile Team, Signing Specialist, Electronics TL, and Plano TL to ensure everything runs smoothly!

It looks like these aisles will have revisions quite frequently, so far it's been 1 every week for us!

Good luck!!
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