Archived Target Stories

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May 23, 2016
Just curious if anyone has any funny or interesting stories from working at target
Before I became a GSA, we had a GSTL that was approached by a guest and the story went like this....

A guest walks up to our GSTL let's call him Dave

"Excuse me...." Guest looks at Daves Namr Tag, "Dave, did you know there is a guy washing his butt in the bathroom".
"Excuse me what did you say" Dave replied.
"There's a guy washing his butt in your bathroom" the guest said.
"Well that's intresting" replied Dave, "alright thank you for letting me know."
So it takes about 10 minutes and Dave goes into the male bathroom and comes out laughing thinking of the story and let's me know that he cleaned up after himself.

Truthfully I am horrible at telling stories that are funny, you would just have to hear it from dave. :)
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