Archived Target terms you hate

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Vibe focus, instocks, FFF. It's not really the terminology that gets me a lot its the way I'm talked to like a 5 year old.

The one thing that annoys me is when TMs talk to customers in Target lingo.

I do a lot of waving and pointing and gesturing.

"Go that way [pointing] a few sections over to aisle C23. We are on F, so that's E, then that's D, and the next one is C [pointing/gesturing/motioning the whole time]. It will be on one of these thingies [pointing to front end cap], but on the BACK side of the aisle [gesturing toward back end cap]."

Works beautifully every time. I hear people saying "Yeah go to the back end of B block and it'll be on the back endcap near the t-wall," and it makes me want to slap the s*** out of them. What the F*** makes you think a guest is going to understand that crap?
"Can I help you find something?" Proper English will tell you "May I help you find something?"

This is it for me. I actually had an ETL threaten to coach me for saying "May I help you find something?" Her case was that it's not brand, I said, "that's fair, but CIHYFS makes me sound like I don't know what I'm talking about." Eventually she just gave up and I have continued rocking MIHYFS.
If I'm describing something to the guest, it usually goes like "Okay, head straight down this way past bath. When you get to kitchen, turn left. It'll be a few aisles past the pet section on F27.

I despise the weird wording with compliance too.

And if I hear anybody say "vibe moment" without making fun of it, I hate them.
"Can I help you find something?" Proper English will tell you "May I help you find something?"

This is it for me. I actually had an ETL threaten to coach me for saying "May I help you find something?" Her case was that it's not brand, I said, "that's fair, but CIHYFS makes me sound like I don't know what I'm talking about." Eventually she just gave up and I have continued rocking MIHYFS.

SERIOUSLY?! They take it that seriously? That's insane.
That person did, but I think once she realized just how right I was she dropped it and went back to "vibing it."
I liked to flip it around and say, "Did you find everything you needed today?"
Used to drive the ETLs nuts but since I was one of the few people who asked every guest they left me alone.
"Can I help you find something?" Proper English will tell you "May I help you find something?"

This is it for me. I actually had an ETL threaten to coach me for saying "May I help you find something?" Her case was that it's not brand, I said, "that's fair, but CIHYFS makes me sound like I don't know what I'm talking about." Eventually she just gave up and I have continued rocking MIHYFS.

Really? Threaten to coach you for using proper English? That's ridiculous. She should focus on coaching poor performers!
My favorite Target term is QMOS. I just like the sound of it. QMOS.


I asked a Service Desk TM earlier today QMOS some salads from Food Ave. A guest near the checklanes heard us and pulled a face before asking "What the hell is QMOS? It sounds disgusting."

We laughed for the rest of the evening.
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I still don't know what the difference is between a sidecap and endcap.

I haaate all forms of the word "vibe."

I don't like calling them "guests" lol. Half these people are inconsiderate and messy. That's not the behavior of a guest... not a good one, anyway.

I almost never cihyfs, I usually ask people if they need help finding something... or if they would like help finding anything. I didn't start that because of grammar nazi-ism. I just get bored with saying the same thing over and over and over again.

Edit: I also hate "team" language. Everyone's some sort of team member or team leader or whatever, and when you're in trouble, you get coached... it's all so corny.
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"Carriages." IT'S A FREAKING CART.

Or "Buggy"

At my store, it's the guests who do that one.

I still don't know what the difference is between a sidecap and endcap.

An endcap is, as the name implies, at the front or back end of an aisle. It usually covers the entire end of a gondola and consists of 3-ft metal shelves and/or peghooks. A sidecap is the small thing on the corner of an aisle. The back of it consists of metal bars rather than pegboard (similar to softlines racks that have peghooks), and it has either short peghooks or clear plastic shelves.

Endcap locations include (0) and sidecap locations include (99).
A lot of my most hated words have been hashed to death:
VIBE, CIHYFS, brand, term, compliance, FFF, 'partner with', 'Expect More, Pay Less', just about any Target brand coined word, it sucks.

Big time. Also, f**k VIBE cards and VIBE moments.

What a crock of s**t those are.

Also, "Best Practice".
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You're 'on' compliance (?)
Non compliant?
You were on the compliance list(?)

Makes me shake my head.

An oldie; "safeness"
I still don't know the difference between safety and safeness!
How about this gem from a couple summers ago: MAKE SUMMER FUNNER.

If I remember correctly, that was on the FOS overhead, so I'd see that and cringe every time I walked into the store.
I like "no locs" as an abbreviated "no locations."
I hate that I have an ETL that still calls stationery "notions." It hasn't been notions in at least 8-10 years! I don't like that some supers have "lingerie" whereas gm's just have "intimates." Also, "Sleep/active" is just an oxymoron. Anything vibe related. I can't say "amazing" anymore without blatant sarcasm. ZEBRA when z-dates are never anywhere near accurate to begin with.
I don't like that some supers have "lingerie" whereas gm's just have "intimates."

Huh, never even noticed that.
I thought it might be an older store vs newer store thing, but all of the supers in my district, even the one that was built the year after my gm (now PFresh) still has a lingerie department sign where every other non super has intimate apparel.
I don't like that some supers have "lingerie" whereas gm's just have "intimates."

Huh, never even noticed that.
I thought it might be an older store vs newer store thing, but all of the supers in my district, even the one that was built the year after my gm (now PFresh) still has a lingerie department sign where every other non super has intimate apparel.

In my general area, some of the oldest stores (SuperTargets) have "lingerie", and only GM stores have signs for "intimates". I just never noticed it (but then again, I'm in Food Ave, so I'm not usually over that way).
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