Archived Thank god!

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I'm not sure if it's working or not. I changed the capacity of a toaster to 1 on both facings, which means the floor can only hold two max. But it's still having a third drop into the auto fill. Which means I pulled it from the pog batch, sent it to back stock, then after it was back stocked, I saw it in the day sides pull when I was cleaning up to leave for the day. So it's being pushed out again only to be sent back to be back stocked by the same person who pulled it? Idk, maybe it takes a bit to update
I'm not sure if it's working or not. I changed the capacity of a toaster to 1 on both facings, which means the floor can only hold two max. But it's still having a third drop into the auto fill. Which means I pulled it from the pog batch, sent it to back stock, then after it was back stocked, I saw it in the day sides pull when I was cleaning up to leave for the day. So it's being pushed out again only to be sent back to be back stocked by the same person who pulled it? Idk, maybe it takes a bit to update
Maybe it's counting the display as well?
I'm not sure if it's working or not. I changed the capacity of a toaster to 1 on both facings, which means the floor can only hold two max. But it's still having a third drop into the auto fill. Which means I pulled it from the pog batch, sent it to back stock, then after it was back stocked, I saw it in the day sides pull when I was cleaning up to leave for the day. So it's being pushed out again only to be sent back to be back stocked by the same person who pulled it? Idk, maybe it takes a bit to update
I had changed the capacity on some wet wipes in the travel toiletries section and it had worked right away. Also no one besides me seemed to know we are able to do this.
I noticed someone changed the capacity to 4, when it was really 3. They had the 4th item layed on top. If I find out who did that I'm going to cut them. A capacity should be changed if there is an issue, not to purge the backroom because they don't want to backstock.. lol
I noticed someone changed the capacity to 4, when it was really 3. They had the 4th item layed on top. If I find out who did that I'm going to cut them. A capacity should be changed if there is an issue, not to purge the backroom because they don't want to backstock.. lol
Which is definitely a problem management will run into. It's certainly a tool that will help, but if not monitored will be abused.
I absolutely love this feature. One of my TLs showed it to me so I can finally fix all the wrong capacities in cosmetics, and it is a godsend.
Which is definitely a problem management will run into. It's certainly a tool that will help, but if not monitored will be abused.

Totally agree with that. It is great though. We had a gift bag with a capacity of 1. You could obviously fit like 40 on one of those bars though. I told my ETL-LOG and he shook his head.
I noticed someone changed the capacity to 4, when it was really 3. They had the 4th item layed on top. If I find out who did that I'm going to cut them. A capacity should be changed if there is an issue, not to purge the backroom because they don't want to backstock.. lol

That is exactly what I know will happen. And not just to purge they will do it out of laziness.
I'm not sure if it's working or not. I changed the capacity of a toaster to 1 on both facings, which means the floor can only hold two max. But it's still having a third drop into the auto fill. Which means I pulled it from the pog batch, sent it to back stock, then after it was back stocked, I saw it in the day sides pull when I was cleaning up to leave for the day. So it's being pushed out again only to be sent back to be back stocked by the same person who pulled it? Idk, maybe it takes a bit to update
It should update instantly. When you change the capacity, it will also ask you how many are on the floor right afterwards, and you have to input both for it to update.
I'm loving the new feature for changing odd capacities while scanning. Looking at you, children's books. Not looking forward to the upcoming blitz to audit all the capacities on the floor though :/. And I really wish there was some kind of drastic capacity change report to catch mistakes even if I know nobody's would take the time to work on it.
I hope the developers considered logging changes made. If higher ups could see who's changing capacities to such low numbers(like the changing of a capacity to 1 when 40 could fit, mentioned above) they could coach whoever is being a piece of shit.
Where the OH used to be it now says _ on the floor, _ in the back. You hit that and on the left it says capacity. It then asks you how many can fit on the floor, and how many are on the floor. You enter that and BAM. It's changed. Then when you flip over to the detail page and it shows you the Plano gram and how many can fit it shows 40 1. I only did it once so correct me if I'm wrong.
Capacity changes are pointless for areas like entertainment and video games, which revise every week.
I hope the developers considered logging changes made. If higher ups could see who's changing capacities to such low numbers(like the changing of a capacity to 1 when 40 could fit, mentioned above) they could coach whoever is being a piece of shit.

I don't think the capacity was bumped down to 1 I think it was just an error to begin with. The only capacity I believe changed in error at my store that I've caught is 3 items bumped to 4.. but still whoever did that was indeed a piece of shit
Capacity changes are pointless for areas like entertainment and video games, which revise every week.
So true... If only capacity changes were maintained through revisions. My electronics team only bothers to change capacities in video games if things keep getting pulled that we don't want, like the Forza Xbox One bundle on Gaming LP2 that supposedly can fit two along with two different Lego Dimensions starter packs.
I hope the developers considered logging changes made. If higher ups could see who's changing capacities to such low numbers(like the changing of a capacity to 1 when 40 could fit, mentioned above) they could coach whoever is being a piece of shit.

My ETL said there will be a report next month to show who's making changes, so that should help.
Tell that to the BRTMs who keep backstocking and pulling the same shit all week, and can no longer stop the cycle with a simple SUBT9999.
They can still stop that by changing the capacity. It will just reset every week and they'll have to do it again.
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