The Target Dress Challange?


Former Signing Ninja
Staff member
Jun 10, 2011
Is this really a thing?
A lot of people seem to have made it one.
But I hadn't heard about it till today.

Anyway if it’s from Target, and if it became viral it’s good for Target . People will buy those just for the challenge !
This is hilarious! When these dresses first hit the floor, my sister and I had opposite reactions: "I love them!" And "Um, NO" respectively. 😄 I even took a picture to show my husband and wondered what Target was thinking.
We have been making fun of those dresses for months. The design team at target... Who the hell knows what they were thinking.
I'd like to see an industrial grade no frills heavy duty sweat pants and hooded sweatshirt. Captain looks like a bad-ass gym rat in one of those.
Target is getting a kick out of this nonsense. They've been adding the photos of people wearing the dresses in social media to the preview pictures for the dresses on the Target app.
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If people want to buy the ugly dresses and get them out of our stockroom and keep hours up at my store, more power to 'em. Have fun!
Target is getting a kick out of this nonsense. They've been adding the photos of people wearing the dresses in social media to the preview pictures for the dresses on the Target app.
A lot of websites do that now, it's big in the cosmetics world too. Customers can add pictures to their online reviews as well.