Archived The Worst Case Scenario

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Jul 27, 2015
So recently our mytime has been fucking up monumentally. Not scheduling a GA for the open or mid shifts, and the GSTL not knowing til it's too late. I came in to close last night and the opener hits me up and says the dreaded switch to channel 4 on the walkie. So I switch to 4 and dude says "hey man, so I got here late and I had to hop on register so the carts in the front end are gone, food ave needs trash pick up, Starbucks needs trash pickup, the outside trash is overflowing, restroom check hasn't been done for an hour, oh and guest services has CRC shit ready.......oh yeah and there was no mid scheduled today so you're on your own." Basically I didn't take either break and took a 32 min lunch, never stopped moving. All of that shit plus carry outs and spills, I was stressing. Now for my question, does this happen to any other GAs often? If so what do you do when there is EVERYTHING to do? I haven't been working there long (since June) idk if suggesting they should call someone to help me close is fucked, I'm assuming it is, but I always end up having to stay late which the LODs have an attitude about or I wouldn't care. Any input or advice would be appreciated on this subject, TLs and TMs.
I'm assuming you mean GSA. There is no such thing as a GA. You might want to have your username changed.

As far as your situation, I'm not entirely sure what's going on there. It sounds like no one's being scheduled to run the lanes for the opening shift, which means everything is piling up for you, the closer? If that's the case, whoever's writing the schedule needs to be slapped silly. Talk to your ETL-GE because nothing sounds right about any of that.
GA does = guest attendant.

Honestly I don't think anything going on at my location is right. And our ETL gives the least amount of fucks about us, I've already said to 3 different LODs that this shit keeps happening, ETL says its mytime's fault...get back to work. I like being a guest attendant but it's kinda ruining my perception of the job, like I went from having fun at work to hating people that shop at target after a week of it.
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We never have our trash picked up in the day it too dame busy we usually do CA and guest service.
Guest attendant is a real position? Sounds like a cart attendant

CA: Keeps carts/baskets stocked, restroom checks, collects any toss from outside guest Service Starbucks etc, does carry out's, emptys hanger bin, may be asked to fill bags on checklanes or grab supplies, etc etc
Relying on myTime to get the schedule right is a disaster. Your store should be writing them manually. If we relied on myTime, our closing sales floor team members would be leaving 15-30 minutes before the store actually closes.
MyTime can be manually edited. That's what they need to do and stop making excuses as to why they are being irresponsible with the schedule.
Guest attendant is a real position? Sounds like a cart attendant

CA: Keeps carts/baskets stocked, restroom checks, collects any toss from outside guest Service Starbucks etc, does carry out's, emptys hanger bin, may be asked to fill bags on checklanes or grab supplies, etc etc

Guest attendant is just a fancier name for cart attendant from several years ago. Not many stores still use it.

MyTime can be manually edited. That's what they need to do and stop making excuses as to why they are being irresponsible with the schedule.

If OP's store is anything like mine, it's because leadership didn't want to spend any hours to fill the gaps and decided to just hope for the best. We didn't have an opening cart attendant today, so we had to have two cart blitzes before the mid came in.
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