Archived To whoever designed that multi-colored thingy for the Spring FOS.

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The Mule

Jack Of All Workcenters
Jun 9, 2011
You are an evil, evil bastard and may you die a slow, painful death. Also, where do I send my chiropractic bill for working over an hour non-stop with my arms above my head putting the individual fins in place? Ungh, my back......
I watched our signing person struggle with that thing this morning. I could only take it for 5 minutes before another team member and myself helped her. What a friggin nightmare.
But at least it looks good!

Just Kidding.

Does anyone understand what they are trying to advertise w/ that thing? I think it would have been much more appropriate going down the main aisle rather than right in front of the door. It would still have been ugly though.
As much of a pain that is was to assemble, I think it looks really neat.

The signs lately have been so ... generic. I like that we have some unique and interesting to build. But hey, that's why I went for this job. I love the assembly. 😀
Ungh, my back......

You aint seen nut-in yet
I for the first time in 8 years had help with mine. But the hecklers were out of control in my store. Between the morning coffee clutch people, keep walking under it, "it's too low" I know, I'm not done with it yet. Fellow TM's. "it's too low" I know, I'm not done with yet. well you going to have to raise it up!. You will see when I am done. Then our wonderful guest, i have the wave setting there, I am on it, the light is flashing, I put tubs under it, so no one would walk into it. What do they do, they still walk directly under it. Now everyone is just in awe. It does look pretty awesome. today I was told it looked like Mini blinds. when I was putting it up, they told me it looked like Popsicle sticks. The only trouble in having help, is steps sometimes get missed. then you either back track or make do. The good thinking level headed signing TM I am, I make do, and change to make it look the same but less time than to re-do.
You are an evil, evil bastard and may you die a slow, painful death. Also, where do I send my chiropractic bill for working over an hour non-stop with my arms above my head putting the individual fins in place? Ungh, my back......

The instructions show two smiling, happy people putting it together.
Not one desperate signing specialist trying to keep the damn thing in the air when the supports snap from the weight.
Disclaimer: no signing TMs were harmed during the making of this display.

That said, it looks like the color bar display for an off-air TV channel.
Our store has 2, one at each entrance. I believe our Signing Specialist and his temporary replacment were the only 2 working on ours.
Our store has 2, one at each entrance. I believe our Signing Specialist and his temporary replacment were the only 2 working on ours.

Oh, am I so glad the Greatland days are behind me. Hanging 2 entrances at 22' ceilings was exhausting!!

I didn't really struggle with it, instructions for once were very good! But I did get sick of the constant "Its too low" comment coming from each tm as they walked in for the day. DuH!

Smurf>NO way would I have attempted it with the store open though!! You are brave!
Oh, am I so glad the Greatland days are behind me. Hanging 2 entrances at 22' ceilings was exhausting!!

I didn't really struggle with it, instructions for once were very good! But I did get sick of the constant "Its too low" comment coming from each tm as they walked in for the day. DuH!

Smurf>NO way would I have attempted it with the store open though!! You are brave!

I miss my greatland! Although, my new store is a unique layout with two entrances, but nothing like my green and blue entrances!
Our store has 2, one at each entrance. I believe our Signing Specialist and his temporary replacment were the only 2 working on ours.

0.0 The only thing that I could think after this project was complete.... "Thank the maker I only have one entrance in this store"!

In summary: Long, painfully slow setup to yield a pretty cool looking, if confusingly different, drop ceiling.
Ugh guys you're making me jealous! My colored bars didn't get delivered on the signing pallet!
I think it looks good,but 4 tms were working on it in our store.

Lucky for them. Just me doing it. It wasn't so bad. Just lifting the panels onto the plastic hinges were difficult because I didn't want to brake a clip.

Like smurf said, everyone that walked by it asked if it was supposed to be that low. Even the LOD walked by and asked if it was supposed to hang that low. I had to keep telling them to wait till I was done.
I got a lot of compliments for it the last few days. Everyone likes walking under it. Makes them feel like they're in a tunnel. I'm glad I only had one though.
I looked for ours when I came in this morning and didnt think it was that great- can someone post a picture? Our signing TM said she put it together without the guide so im not sure if it looks like everyone else's!
I looked for ours when I came in this morning and didnt think it was that great- can someone post a picture? Our signing TM said she put it together without the guide so im not sure if it looks like everyone else's!

If it looks like a bunch of scattered color bars, you got it right.
Considering how it looks, tho, not sure you could tell if it was 'right' or 'wrong' or whatever....
I looked for ours when I came in this morning and didnt think it was that great- can someone post a picture? Our signing TM said she put it together without the guide so im not sure if it looks like everyone else's!

How could it be done without directions? All the hooks were different lengths. It is suppose to look like a wave of color.
I looked for ours when I came in this morning and didnt think it was that great- can someone post a picture? Our signing TM said she put it together without the guide so im not sure if it looks like everyone else's!

At any point you get a kit in without instructions, which is rarely, you can always pull them up as a PDF through TIPP and print them out. How long has your Signing TM been at their position?
At any point you get a kit in without instructions, which is rarely, you can always pull them up as a PDF through TIPP and print them out. How long has your Signing TM been at their position?

Ten years? A very long time. She just has the standard IDGAF Target attitude lately.
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