Archived Took Home Keys

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May 1, 2018
I took home the keys to the fitting room on accident, what now? I know people who took them during the day and just had to come back, but what happens when the store is closed?
Bring them back at store open and at worst you'll get a CCA. Probably just a "don't do that again"...
If the keys don't open anything with money or outside doors, nothing will happen.
I'm pretty sure you'd be fired or in deep shit if the Electronic keys left the building
I did it once. Luckily I opened and my boss was cool
about it. But yea she said it’s usually a CCA or Final
If someone takes keys home are they supposed to replace those locks? I can see that being good policy, from a security standpoint, as you can't know for sure if the TM didn't copy them, but that would be hella expensive.
I'm pretty sure you'd be fired or in deep shit if the Electronic keys left the building
At my store losing the electronics keys or taking them home (even accidentally) is an automatic final. Same goes for any of the master key sets. I know this because we had to change all the locks for the cases once because some dumbass left the electronics keys sitting on a counter and a sticky-fingered guest swiped them. Another time we found the keys stuck to the bottom of a shower caddy after being MIA for two weeks.
I took the electronics keys home before. Happened When I closed. I just called the next day to let them know I had them & would bring them in later on that day.
We also had a Chasier take the jewelry keys home before Leaveing the country for vaca, we didn’t get them back till they returned & still nothing.
Maybe AP was secretly on our asses after but nothing happened as far as Cca or changing locks
At my store losing the electronics keys or taking them home (even accidentally) is an automatic final. Same goes for any of the master key sets. I know this because we had to change all the locks for the cases once because some dumbass left the electronics keys sitting on a counter and a sticky-fingered guest swiped them. Another time we found the keys stuck to the bottom of a shower caddy after being MIA for two weeks.
We’ve found Electronics keys in so many fun places before
If someone takes keys home are they supposed to replace those locks? I can see that being good policy, from a security standpoint, as you can't know for sure if the TM didn't copy them, but that would be hella expensive.
You can’t just copy the keys . Only your pmt
Unless it’s just a standard key
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Honestly, assuming you drive and put your keys in your pockets, I can't see how can anyone take Target keys by accident. I mean when you get your own keys, wouldn't you notice the extra set of keys that aren't supposed to be there?
Honestly, assuming you drive and put your keys in your pockets, I can't see how can anyone take Target keys by accident. I mean when you get your own keys, wouldn't you notice the extra set of keys that aren't supposed to be there?
I’ve taken equipment home before because it was clipped to my belt/belt loop. That’s how most people wear their keys at my store
Depends on what the keys open. We've had more team members than I can remember take home baler/crown key sets and it's not even an issue. If your keys can open the change drawer, or locked merchandise than it's an issue. ASANTS, but at my store that would likely be a final warning.
I’ve never taken keys home before but I have accidentally turned in my house keys with the ship from store keys. The carabiner was broken on the keys I checked out, so I just clipped them with my personal keys and forgot.
If someone takes keys home are they supposed to replace those locks? I can see that being good policy, from a security standpoint, as you can't know for sure if the TM didn't copy them, but that would be hella expensive.

It’s stupid expensive to replace all of the locks that key opens, which is part of the reason why the punishment is so severe.
If interested, the replacement key procedure is odd. They have to order the keys and then the old key needs to be destroyed with two people present to verify the aftermath. Brining home those keys is definitely not good. It may not result in any action, but they do know to keep a better eye out on you and may even ask you if the keys were turned in before leaving a shift. Stuff happens, and they know that.
We have always been so sloppy with our keys at my store. Most of the time the key boxes aren't even locked.
What kind of key rings do you guys have? Do you have alarms on your keys? If you do, where do you get them? Most of our keys don't have any thing but a carbiner, no labels. I want labels and alarms on all of our keys.
I took home the keys to the fitting room on accident, what now? I know people who took them during the day and just had to come back, but what happens when the store is closed?

Fitting rooms have keys?

Honestly, assuming you drive and put your keys in your pockets, I can't see how can anyone take Target keys by accident. I mean when you get your own keys, wouldn't you notice the extra set of keys that aren't supposed to be there?

I was not at Target, but at my previous job I accidentally took home the keys to the offices, which were kept in a manager's desk drawer. The keys disappeared, everyone looked everywhere, the locks were changed. Two weeks after they disappeared I accidentally dropped my purse when I was out somewhere and the office keys fell out with some other small items. Two weeks those keys had been in my purse and I didn't know it. Best guess, when I was locking up and leaving I still had the keys in my hand when I was grabbing my things and, tired mind, just automatically put them in my purse.
At least at my (remodeled) store, the fitting rooms are locked and the operator unlocks them individually for each guest. It pretty much forces the guest to give the items to the operator to count them, which is nice.
When/if we get a remodeling, I'm going to cry if there's locks. I don't see how I'm going to really manage to get work done at the opposite end of RTW or fetching hard to reach baby items from the back room for someone (the diapers I need are always several shelves up for some reason) or doing reshop in kids if I have to stop everything and run back to the fitting room every couple minutes to unlock a door.
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