Archived Transferring Stores

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Oct 28, 2018
Recently I transferred locations and have been treated as if It was my first day at Target all over again. At my old store I was a “Learning Mentor” and a front end trainer. At my new store I was told the only open position was a front end cashier. I thought, okay they’ll understand that I obviously don’t want to stay a cashier; but they recently hired for the Guest Service position I was trying to get again. Has this happened to anyone else? Almost three years at target and it’s like I’ve started all over again.
I’ve expressed multiple times that I am willing to move work centers and all I am told is there arent any positions open (which I believe is not true). My reviews were great, both of them I was told my performance was good and that I had minor improvements to make. Thanks
Be assertive! With all the new seasonal cashier hires coming you’ll be a serious asset. When someone needs to be trained, say “I’ll do it, I used to be the cashier trainer at my old store!”, when guest service needs a break covered say “I’ll cover their break!”. Talk to your GSTL and tell them exactly how you feel, I’m sure that you’ll get back to where you once were in no time! Sometimes things just take some time I suppose although it can be frustrating
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