Archived transferring to a store in a different state.

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Nov 1, 2014
I would like to start off saying I'm am a seasonal employee but I'm getting kept to be a regular employee, and I plan on staying after my 90th day is up. but my parents are looking to relocate to a different state after I reach my 90 days.

I was told that I would be able to transfer but i am concerned about a few things.

-would my pay decrease because the state I'm moving to has a lower minimum wage then my current state?

-who would I talk to about my transfer when I'm ready to transfer? Etl-hr?

When should I put in the transfer?
Months? Weeks? Days? Lol

Is there any other things/information that I should know/be concerned about?

Thanks if anybody can help!
You would need to go ahead and talk to your etl-hr asap...because the transfer process can take some time . Your hr has to contact the other store and wait on them etc. Your Hr should also be able to tell you if there would be a decrease in your pay ( to be honest I don't know how that works) I know that years ago when I transferred from a store in a major city to my current store ( in a smaller town) I did take a pay cut....they said it was because the cost of living was cheaper in the city that I was transferring to. I am not sure if there policy has changed since then ( that was 18 years ago). Good luck!
You would need to go ahead and talk to your etl-hr asap...because the transfer process can take some time . Your hr has to contact the other store and wait on them etc. Your Hr should also be able to tell you if there would be a decrease in your pay ( to be honest I don't know how that works) I know that years ago when I transferred from a store in a major city to my current store ( in a smaller town) I did take a pay cut....they said it was because the cost of living was cheaper in the city that I was transferring to. I am not sure if there policy has changed since then ( that was 18 years ago). Good luck!
I don't think you take a pay cut anymore. we have a transfer from another state that kept her higher pay rate.
I had a TM who was within their 90 days and realized that they were moving to another state because his spouse got relocated for her job. In order to transfer you have to be past your 90 days - it can literally be the 91st day. Here's what he/we did:

1). Day 45 - He told me he was moving to AZ and wanted to know if he could transfer - I said absolutely - but you'll have to find the store you want to go to first (store number) so we can contact them when needed. You'll also have to know if they have an opening - it would be best if you (TM) contacted their ETL-HR directly to see what openings they have.
2). Day 50 - TM had store number, talked with their ETL-HR, and found an open position they were willing to put him in.
3) Day 51 - Day 80- TM talked with our ETL-HR, ETL-HR contacted the new store and worked things out - transfers are pretty much straight forward between ETL-HRs.
4) Day 90 - I wrote a brief 90 day review (at request of new ETL-HR gaining my TM)
5) Day 95 - TM started work at new store.

As for pay - my TL transferred from a higher-cost of living area and kept his pay - he was brining in $25 as a TL (average TL pay in our area is $15). When I lived in GA, a friend's wife transferred to the local store and was making more as a TM than a TL because of the cost of living difference. Seems as though you keep your current pay level.

Things needed to be blessed - a clean record
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