Archived Transffering and LOA Help

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Absolute Newbie
Aug 25, 2015
Okay so. Im moving out of state sometime next year due to family situation. I want to transfer to a store by where Im moving instead of having to job hunt again. But next year, my overseas fiancee is visiting for a month in the summer maybe sometime after if nit around my move, schedules are rough.

What do I recommend I do/ how do ask my HR about this? Should I try to transfer earlier and work at the new store for awhile and request my LOA for a month that way. Can I try to do a LOA and then work on transfer at the end of it? Is it just a lost cause and I should just give my two weeks and try applying for a target job again?

Depending on other factors and whethwr or not I can take a LOA and then transfer will determine when Id take it, but it would be sometime next year. How early should I ask my HR about this?
From your other thread:
For next year? If you want more than two weeks unpaid vacation, you will need get LOA fill out and your ETL approve for it. As of this moment I know of it is you can't request time off in advance more than 4 months.

DeadEnd, Sep 1, 2015
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