Transgender and Bathrooms

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It's funny, I'm labeled as a bigot, being closed minded and hateful. Yet, I'm the one being called names, having false words/meaning attributed to me and being railroaded for expressing my Christian beliefs.

Why are you working for a liberal company like Target? I wouldn't choose to work for a Christian company such as Chic Fil A or Hobby Lobby because my views are very different from those companies'.
This is a quintessential example of something that sounds good to say, and everyone nods their heads in solemn agreement, but everyone knows isn't true. In fact, most of the time, you and I and everyone else recognizes right away when someone has taken, or attempted to take on, the identity of the opposite gender.
It's pretty clear that you've seen transgenders and never knew it. Maybe you're confusing transgender with transvestite, although Tim Curry could have given you a run for your money.
So...can we have a new TL position: GITL: KimJungUn could stand at the door to the restrooms and do genitalia inspection and DNA testing to make sure everyone is in the right potty. Or we could have melvin stand outside and play *guess the DNA* which would be pretty entertaining in itself.

Melvin: you, you, you, you pass. You? I'm no so sure - could go either way - please pee at Walmart.
Can no longer resist urge to post copypasta...

I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.
I can't wait to see urinals in the womens restroom and tampons in the mens restrooms.
Just redesign bathrooms. A bunch of stalls, then a fully open area with a sink. Boom. Done. Problem solved. I feel uncomfortable around my own gender, and this would solve my problem, too.

Genders don't bother me too much. People who make fucking messes do. Both genders have those assholes. All age groups do, too. Fucking animals.
I personally don't see the big deal about this. I'm not sure if it was written policy, but I feel Target would allow for this prior to today. I cannot see them ever allowing team members to tell a transgender person to use the bathroom of the gender they were born with.

So yeah, this may be news to the rest of the world, but I doubt it is to anyone who works there.
I'm almost certain I read that somewhere. That the policy hasn't changed. They just made a statement on it.
Why can't we talk about the real issue here?! When are we going to get paid according to the paygrade we identify with?!
Jokes aside, I'm happy Target picked a side especially a side that reflects the inclusive environment and business we always talk about. Thumbs up for spot!
So...can we have a new TL position: GITL: KimJungUn could stand at the door to the restrooms and do genitalia inspection and DNA testing to make sure everyone is in the right potty. Or we could have melvin stand outside and play *guess the DNA* which would be pretty entertaining in itself.

Melvin: you, you, you, you pass. You? I'm no so sure - could go either way - please pee at Walmart.

That's a fairly impressive imagination. Kudos.

Now, back to reality. I'm under no illusions that anything can be policed with regards to who uses which bathrooms in our current climate. The folks who want this will get what they want and indeed are getting what they want. I sit here as a skeptic who looks at much of this with amusement.

To wit: ‘Transparent’ crew upset with gender-neutral bathrooms
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It's pretty clear that you've seen transgenders and never knew it. Maybe you're confusing transgender with transvestite, although Tim Curry could have given you a run for your money.

Yep, this is another examples of something people say that makes them feel good but they know it isn't true.
I identify as a dragon irl so which bathroom do I use?

Believing you are a dragon? Completely irrational. Believing your arm or leg is not really your own? Again, irrational. Believing you were born with the wrong sex organs? Totally rational.
I've said my peace, I feel the way I feel. I don't have to defend myself for having moral convictions for wanting to protect my child from perverts.

I feel that these people who voluntarily mutilate their body are mentally ill.
If you think a sign on a door will protect your Girl from perverts you are sadly mistaken. People will do what they want to get what they want. And No one can stop someone from using the oppsoite sex's restroom, as we have no right to prove they are not that sex. You are trying to stereotype people , and assuming People will just use the restrooms to prey on people. And your excuse about you do not want to have to explain anatomy, that is on you. That should not be the burden of those who want to not feel like outcast, which you are making them feel like outcast with your thinking. Do not like it do not use the public restrooms, and instead use an alternative source. Get over it because it is the way of the future.
I have no problem with them using the bathroom. The only problem I have is if a men went into the women's restroom and got totally naked. He could say he was just getting dressed and is transgender. At least two female coworkers that I know of at my store get dressed in the women's room, and don't use stalls. What is stopping a prev from exposing his penis in front of children and hide behind transgender laws ?
Why...would someone get dressed....not in the stall.

Aside from that. A woman can do the exact same thing. Men aren't the only pervs out there idk why it's always about dicks.
Why...would someone get dressed....not in the stall.

Aside from that. A woman can do the exact same thing. Men aren't the only pervs out there idk why it's always about dicks.
Good question. They claim they have more room. The stalls at my store are tiny
I have no problem with them using the bathroom. The only problem I have is if a men went into the women's restroom and got totally naked. He could say he was just getting dressed and is transgender. At least two female coworkers that I know of at my store get dressed in the women's room, and don't use stalls. What is stopping a prev from exposing his penis in front of children and hide behind transgender laws ? I believe trans people should be able to use whatever restroom they wish, but how do we stop the abuse. Today at my store we had a group of frat guys walk into the women's restroom, laughing. They all said they were tran :/ people will abuse it
First, there's a difference between whipping out a dick and changing clothes. Who changes their underwear to work? Secondly, how in the world do you know they aren't using the stalls? Good grief, I always used the stalls to change when I needed to.
Good question. They claim they have more room. The stalls at my store are tiny
The more logical option would be the fitting room in that case. Or the stall for disabled people. Like, I just think it's weird overall to undress in front of strangers and if my coworkers were doing that I would be like "buddy pal friend the fitting room is over there"
Donald Trump Supports Caitlyn Jenner and Other Trans People's Right to Use Any Bathroom They Feel Comfortable In on I Am Cait

Y'know, Trump actually said something good about trans people and the bathroom debacle.

Drumpf then said, "There have been very few complaints the way it is. People go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate, there has been so little trouble."

Today show co-host Matt Lauer then asked Drumpf, "Do you have any transgender people working in your organization?"

"I don't know, I really don't know," Drumpf told Lauer. "I probably do, I really don't know."

He could not care less about who uses what bathrooms. Finally, this turd says something positive.
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