Archived Upcoming ETL interviews

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May 5, 2017
Hey all,

So I have ETL interviews coming up around Feb or March and just wanted to get some takes on the whole process and what I should be ready for. I'm an internal promotion in my district and so I'm sure will be competing with other internal/external candidates.

So some questions I have are:

What types of questions are there/ what should I be prepared to speak to?

What should I bring to these interviews?

What was the most challenging part for you during this process as an internal candidate?

Any advice would be awesome! Thanks!
Etl STAR interviews:
The answer to your question(s) are pretty simple. During your interview be honest and yourself. They will ask you 4-5 situational questions (total of 3 rounds I believe) just to see what type of leader you are. Remember to paint them a picture because what they are looking for in each question that you answer is to be outlined in the following way:

Situation - how does your answer relate to the question
Example: tell me about a time you had to make a tough decison
You - During college ect..... <--- you are painting them a picture so tehy can visually see your answer.
Task - what did you have to accomplish/what what was the issue or problem
Action - how did you solve this issue/what steps were taken.
Result - what was the final outcome.

Overall be upbeat. During the interview don't EVER put yourself down. Even with the famous questions "what is one think your previous supervisor would change or say that you need to work on." Turn the question about to something like: "One thing my past supervisor would stay that I can improve is sometimes I tend want to help out too much. If I see someone struggling I always try and offer assistance." Remember to turn a weakness into a strength (sorry I just got off work so if a lot does not make sense please don't blame me lol).

In case, spot offers the etl intern job,
On Etl interns:
You will be offered an ETL position at the end of the summer internship program. You must receive a "meets expectations" during your bieeekly statuses, receive blessing from training ETL and STL, and successfully complete the Operational Review at the end of the internship.

Once the Operational Review is completed, you'll receive a phone call from the recruiter for your area with an offer. This is typically scheduled during one of your final internship shifts.

Extended Internships are completely optional, and not required to move forward as an ETL. If you are interesting in an EI, make your interest known, especially with the DTL.

EI's schedules vary... some work on special projects within the store, others may learn a different workcenter, some do LOD shifts a couple times a week, and others just work during the holiday season. Since you retain your internship pay rate, payroll challenged stores may not be able to "afford" extended interns. I was the only EI in my internship class of 10 to get one.

If you do EI, make sure your expectations are clear with your ETL trainer and STL. My summer internship was in logistics, and my extended internship was in Guest Experience... I was supposed to keep mentor and coach a struggling GSTL, and was basically a Sr. GSTl (minus opening/closing solo)... but then my STL blasted me for not being global enough. Just be clear on your role as an EI... a bad EI can result in your original offer being pulled.

Honestly, while I didn't have the greatest experience as an EI, it did give me the push to pursue other career opportunities. And I'm very thankful for that experience.
Piece of advice from my etl who promoted from senior. Don't just say you're a good fit because you already know target.

There is a reason they keep hiring these young new ETLs with no experience.

Talk about your ability to lead and your future. That's what helps these fresh out of college types they talk about what they are going to do instead of what they already did.
Piece of advice from my etl who promoted from senior. Don't just say you're a good fit because you already know target.

There is a reason they keep hiring these young new ETLs with no experience.

Talk about your ability to lead and your future. That's what helps these fresh out of college types they talk about what they are going to do instead of what they already did.
That's a good point I have missed. I'm also up for ETL I will be interviewing with my STL January week one. From there he will make the call if I'm ready and send me out to interview with another STL before interviewing with our DTL.

I've been studying with the questions on Glassdoor but if anyone has any more feedback or tips I would appreciate them as well.
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