Archived Using discount after leaving Target

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Former team member
Jun 27, 2012
I asked my etl hr if I can still use my discount card, and he said it should still be valid because of the number of years I've spent there (22). However, the etl headlines said no, I must have it surrendered. So who's right?
That depends, are you quitting or retiring? A few ladies my mom worked with many, many years ago retired with Target and were allowed to keep their cards. So I think it might have something to do with that.
Check Workbench for the TM Discount policy. I don't know what the specific number is, but after so many years of service you get the discount for life.

@HRZone can you help us out on this one please? :)
Retirement allows you to keep your discount. At 22 years are you sure you aren't eligible for retirement? I have to look again when I go in Monday but I think it's 20 or 25.
I asked my etl he and he said I'm not. I'm not sure if age as anything to do with it but I'm not 50.
You could just happen to lose the card right before you leave. :rolleyes:
You can be 40 & retire.
  1. You may be eligible for the Target retiree discount privilege, as well as a retirement gift, if you meet all of the following criteria:❏❏ Are at least 55 years old when you leave the company.

  2. ❏❏ Have 10 years of credited and continuous service, starting after your latest hire date. A year

    of credited service is a calendar year in which you were paid for 1,000 or more hours. (If you were age 45 or older and an active team member on December 31, 2002, five years of credited and continuous service will qualify under the grandfathered rule. Note: If you left the company and were rehired January 1, 2003 or after, you need to meet the 10-year eligibility rules.)

    If you are eligible for a retirement gift, you will receive information in the mail approximately two months after your retirement date.
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