Archived Using my Sick Time

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Jul 15, 2017
I have accrued 36 hours of sick time. I used to work 20-32 hours per week, but things have changed and I'm lucky if I get 8 hours per week. I want to use my sick time before I just dip out of here. Can anyone explain to me how this could (or couldn't) work out?
Some stores only allow you to use sick time when you actually call out. Some let you use it like vacation time (whenever)

What I would do is go on ehr and use it up to your average hours. If HR were to deny it they have to put a comment as to why. This would allow you to see how your store handles sick time.
Sick time isn't available to use on eHR. You'll have to submit a paper form for time off, but it's easy to get from HR or a leader.

My location is very strict that you must have specifically called out sick to use sick time, but I hear others may be more willing to accept it. Check with HR to see what your store allows.
Yeah I know. Mine isn't one of 'em. Which is fine, when I get sick it's usually bad and for a week and I end up taking an unexpected vacation, since I use that time to cover it. :(
Yeah I know. Mine isn't one of 'em. Which is fine, when I get sick it's usually bad and for a week and I end up taking an unexpected vacation, since I use that time to cover it. :(

Oh, sorry.
Some folks don't know that sick time is even a thing some places.
Didn't mean to rub it in.
I noticed a couple of the accruals are a bit off but, this is very good site to refer to - had not seen this before. Find if you are listed then google up your own local jurisdiction for deets. If your Spot HR balks at your legally allowed claim then politely point them to your local jurisdiction's site regarding the law. Many in HR are not fully aware of the intricacies and only know what they are told by their leadership team. I've found they are very adept at affecting change locally and are more than willing to assist.
Some (like my jurisdiction) allow usage even when notifying up to 10 days in advance (for Dr visits and the like) such as, "Hey ETL/HR/STL/God of Spot ... I have a triple coronary bypass coming up next Tuesday so I'll be taking a sick day. Be back on Wednesday though." But yeah ... like @HRZone said, just try to use it. Worst they can do is say "nope".
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