Archived Vacation questions

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May 30, 2019
First let me start off by saying I work at target DC in inbound as a primary unloaded. I’ve been trying to get an answer to this question for a bit now, but haven’t gotten anything clear. I’ve been working here for 3 weeks now and I love it, but there’s no way I’ll be able to save up enough vacation hours for the vacation me and my friends had planned to Cuba in either November of 2019 or sometime 2020. Is there anyway they will let you take a longer vacation than you have earned? If not what are my options for trying to get this time approved? I don’t expect them to pay me for vacation I haven’t earned, but this vacation is very important to me and my friends. If LOA is my only choice will that negativity effect me being gone for one week? (7 days) any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
You’re talking 6+ months out so you’d be able to save the vacation time assuming you don’t need much else off beforehand. Really should figure out an exact date ASAP though, available time off gets filled pretty quickly during the Christmas rush.
Jan-Mar would leave you with more possibilities being a slow time.
What shift are you on? That’d help figure out options.
Ha, good luck for November if it isn’t approved already. Our calendar is full for November and has been for months.
unless you're on a weekend key and ask off like right now, it's not happening. Good luck with your next job.
For future reference, always bring this up with a new employer during the hiring process. I have yet to have an employer (including Target) deny my request for time off.
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