Archived Venting

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Jan 15, 2012
I was a spectacular TM for 2 years for this store and they treated me like crap to the point where it made me quit. And by spectacular i mean I got 40 hours at FA did all the ordering, helped with one spot, rang as a cashier if FA was slow and they needed help, rang at GS if FA was slow and they needed help. I pulled several doubles, stayed late, came in early, and came in on my days off and The GSTL's were always saying how much they wanted to clone me. I went from being on top to treated like crap. They started yelling at me if certain things weren't done or if I couldn't help out because I had my own stuff in my department to do. Then when I would close FA they started to get really nit picky with me and not with anyone else. Say only half the condiments were stocked I would be forced to stay late and stock them all, but someone blatantly not cleaning the popcorn machine because they didn't feel like it was ok. When I confronted the GSTL about this all I was told was Maybe it was busy last night. Which is absolutely NO excuse. This past week I was pulled into the office and was told my performance was going downhill fast (not their words, but its the same idea). This upset me to no end because I was still doing everything I was supposed to and none of my fellow team members at FA noticed a slip in my performance at all, in fact each and every one of them said it had been better than ever. When they pulled the performance card I pulled the I'm giving my two weeks card.

In April I went to my GE and asked about the possibility of becoming a GSA, I was told that all I needed to do was put in an application when the position became available, have an interview as a formality, and I would be a GSA because she loved my work ethic. So in July when the position became available I did just that. I was so excited, the entire store was happy because they knew I would get it. Well One sunday shift I went in to find out that that very same GE went around and begged 3 people to put in for the job. None of them put in applications, but they were all given interviews along with me. To Make a long story short I was turned down the position after being led on for a few months. And by being led on I mean they let me run the front while the GSTL's were running around doing other stuff I was given the walkie and PDA and told to call if anyone needed money or if anyone needed anything I didn't know how to handle. This was several times not just one instance. Another GSA position became available in October so I went for it because I figured it wouldn't hurt anything. No one said anything to me. One day I was FA cleaning and one of the HR people came to get something and they said "Hey i'm really sorry." And I was like "What? Why?" with a confused look. They said " oh you didn't hear, they gave the GSA job to so and so they announced it this morning at the huddle." Not only did I feel passed over, but I felt hurt that I had to find out this way. That no one had the decency to come and tell me all morning (I was told around 1230). For just over a year I had been trying to get out of FA, and I was patient for a long time. My GSTL kept saying I'm working on it. But that was it no update nothing. So when that same GSTL pulled the performance card on me I was hurt. I felt disposable. After everything I did for the company to be treated with such disrespect was absolutely ridiculous. So I said to my GSTL and my HR "Look you know what I can't handle the stress of this anymore. I've asked to be moved for far too long and nothing has come of it. For you to say my performance is suffering makes me feel like crap because not even two weeks ago I went to you and asked you if there was any way I could help you and all you said was keep doing what you're doing, you're doing great. So I did, but apparently you thought differently." Then I filled out the paper work and left the office.

Today I worked with that same GSTL and me and him used to be buddies we got along great we laughed we joked, but today he barely said two words to me. He was cold. The people that used to come over to chat with me for a few minutes don't anymore. I feel like people are pissed at me that I gave my two weeks, but you know what after all I went through and after all I did my happiness is worth much more than $8.50 an hour.

Sorry this is so long I just really needed to vent.
Yeah, that is what the forum is for.

Target has the most annoying passive-aggressive employee-employer relationships. The Cliques they have in these stores could make high school girls cry like high school girls.
Sorry to hear that Spot has lost another chance at having a good TM who would care about the job and work hard to do it well.
Good luck with all you futures.
Transfer into a store that needs a GSA. That's what I did. My GE kept giving me the cold shoulder for over a year. I partnered with my HR and STL and found a store that needed a GSA. They both supported me in the transfer process, and a week later I got the role!
Yea, it's like you work your butt off and most of the time you get "great job", "fantastic", etc... and then the next month they pull you aside "Hey, ummm there was some uncrushed carboard in the baler at the end of your shift last night, so I will be giving you a coaching for that", yea lame! Tell me I am doing great , then give me some Coaching, CA and you will see my cheer of life demeanor go straight down the tube! I am normally cheerful at work, but you say something about my performance in a disrespectful/demeaning way, you better be glad you are behind closed BR doors so no one can here the conversation you ( LOD/TL/ETL) and I will have.
"To Make a long story short I was turned down the position"

Dude, this is Target... this is nothing new, and certainly nothing personal against you. This is standard operating procedure. All ETLs run around and promise positions to TMs in order to get them to work as hard as possible. Hey, want to be a TL Mr. Cart Attendant? Well, just make sure to get those carts in ASAP every day and the job is yours in a few months!

It is called "carrot in front of your face management". Basically, they put the carrot in front of peoples face (usually TL spots) to make people work harder.

Don't take it personally. It is done with everyone. Hell, I am a TL and back when we had specialist positions I used to promise all the 16 year olds they were my number one pick to be the next electronics spec. You should have seen them perk up and get their jobs done after that. (that was considered the "dream job" of every teenager in the store) Did they have a chance at the job? Hell no. Did I even have any authority to give them the job outside of a recommendation? Not really. But hey, it sure stopped them from hanging around the boat talking their entire shift and made my life as electronics TL easier.

Honestly, I think you are taking this way too personally and blowing it way out of proportion. Target is a small little step in your life. Didn't get GSA? Big deal. So you missed out on 50 cents. Ten years from now you will probably be making 60K at a professional job if you go to college. (which it sounds like you will probably do) Think you will have any regrets about not getting GSA?
I agree with the last post-- GSA is an underpaid, overstressed position that involves the identical work of a GSTL, but with a fraction of the pay. If you compare it to the stress of a cashier, you might as well just remain one and let them keep that 50 cent raise. Sounds that you contributed a lot over the years, but keep in mind there is more involved than just having good performance when it comes to moving up. Absolutely that is important, but you also have to demonstrate yourself as a leader, as someone who can give direction and possibly feedback to other people. Sometimes it's easier to have an external promotion come in, or someone from another department because it ensures that sufficient work is getting done, as opposed to an internal promotion giving preferential treatment to certain TM's in the department. Promotions also include people who have had past experience doing the position, or a role where they officially run a department. Best advice is don't take it personally-- continue your great work ethic and future opportunities will come to you in other roles outside of the company. Eventually someone will see you have lots of potential and will give you an opportunity to advance towards a leadership role.
(PS, unfortunately since you left while being on CCA, I do not think you can be rehired in the future. I think you should have reconsidered your resignation, or at least waited until the CCA expired.)
Senior AP:

1) GSA does not do the same work as a GSTL. Anytime a GSTL is working, they're running the front end, not necessarily true for a GSA. A GSTL has to do paperwork that a GSA doesn't (a ton of it actually), order supplies, attend meetings, account for scores/metrics, etc. It's a dumb comparison, always has been, always will be.

2) Agreed on the leadership aspect.

3) Agreed on the issues internal promotion CAN represent (though most companies, in my experience, should do a better job of promoting from within... including spot).
I don't remember exactly, is Food Avenue N09? If so, moving to GSA isn't a promotion. I know Deli is N09, pretty sure Starbucks is too.
To be clear the reason I'm leaving is not because I didn't get a position if that were true I would have left back in July. Honestly after the second time when they didn't have the courtesy to tell me themselves, I decided it wasn't worth my time and that even though I would be wonderful at it it was there loss when I was passed up for a Sr. TL's son that had been there 3 months. I'm leaving because I'm tired of being treated like I'm gum on the bottom of someones shoe. For the first year I was there no one treated me like that. I understand you're all going to say that's target for ya. For a while I liked my job I really did, but after a year I started to become unhappy with it, so I went to my GSTL and said hey is there anyway I can be moved to cashier or guest service or somewhere so that I can break up my week and I'm not constantly at food ave. He said sure give me time. This was in February of last year, In July I was still working the same hours all at FA so I asked again he said oh yeah I forgot I'll work on it. In August a TM at FA got really badly hurt (she still isn't back yet), so I knew that I was going to be stuck there for a bit so I didn't pressure I just said I know that you can't move me now, but when we get another TM over there I still want a few shifts away each week, and I got yup I haven't forgotten. I knew the holidays would be tough without her there so I didn't bring it up until January 5th of this year and he said look I just need more time. At this point I had gone to HR, I had gone to the GE everyone knew I wanted to be moved, but still nothing. Not even a hey I have so and so that wants to train and when she's fully trained I can give you a few cashier shifts.

Issues always came up with new people at FA, they just would slack big time and only do the things that were necessary each day. And sometimes stuff wasn't even cleaned. When I said anything they just shrugged, but the first time I leave buns in the steamer I get to have a "chat" with the GSTL in the office. I know it's target and they can do whatever they want, but They shouldn't be allowed to treat TM's differently everyone should have to live up to the same standards. If I wasn't there for a day when the food order came in, and no one dated the sodas and the GSTL noticed, somehow it was always my fault. Had I taken notice I would have dated them myself.

I was sick for a few days and when I returned I brought with me a drs. note and handed it to HR who handed it to the GE right in front of me. The GE read it and looked at me and was like well just so you know this doesn't excuse you. 3 days later I was called into the office for attendance because of those few days I missed when I was sick. When I said I brought a drs. note I was told it wasn't good enough. But another girl at FA who was out 5 times in two weeks, returned with no note and was never talked to.

I know this is low, but in the duration of my last two weeks, I plan on showing that same GSTL what real performance issues are, I don't care if I am considered unrehireable.
A strong GSTL makes time for the paperwork and focuses on the metrics. When I talk to my GSTLs about the paperwork they laugh at the seriousness of it.. I guess that's why one put in 2 weeks notice and another is on a CCA.
I’m sorry you’ve had this experience. I had a similar experience myself and I know how you feel. So-called “leaders” who use manipulation and lies to get what they want from their team are hardly leaders. I hope what you can take away from this is a personal commitment to never be that kind of leader and to always remember what it feels like to be on the receiving end of dirty tactics. Some people may excuse it by saying its commonplace but there is a difference between commonplace and acceptable and a person on integrity knows this. Good luck to you.
I don't remember exactly, is Food Avenue N09? If so, moving to GSA isn't a promotion. I know Deli is N09, pretty sure Starbucks is too.

Can differ from store store, at my store Deli is N09, Star Bucks is N07, Food Ave is N05.

GSA is N07 at my store!
I’m sorry you’ve had this experience. I had a similar experience myself and I know how you feel. So-called “leaders” who use manipulation and lies to get what they want from their team are hardly leaders. I hope what you can take away from this is a personal commitment to never be that kind of leader and to always remember what it feels like to be on the receiving end of dirty tactics. Some people may excuse it by saying its commonplace but there is a difference between commonplace and acceptable and a person on integrity knows this. Good luck to you.

You said it all!
1) GSA does not do the same work as a GSTL. Anytime a GSTL is working, they're running the front end, not necessarily true for a GSA. A GSTL has to do paperwork that a GSA doesn't (a ton of it actually), order supplies, attend meetings, account for scores/metrics, etc. It's a dumb comparison, always has been, always will be.

With the exception of coachings, interviews & statuses, GSAs at my store do everything else that GSTLs do. We run the front end, order supplies, account for scores/metrics, do schedules, sales planners, forecasts, etc. We ALL have TIPP access as well as MAX.
If fact, we've been frequently asked what our ETL-GE actually does.
I was in the same position.

I would work FA closers till it was spotless and Green. And I would get praised for it. But there were couple other TMs that wouldn't do crap to close. I would find expired food still stocked and left out, temp logs not finished, popcorn machine still a mess, no food prepped, and they would leave right at close. I would come in and find the mess. I would bring it up to the attention of the ETLs, and they said I was complaining too much.

And they said right to my face, they couldn't afford to move me to other departments because I was the only one of a couple people that really did the work at FA.

And I was lied to about getting promotional opportunities. Because of my history at the store and tenure with the company, and was only asked to move cross-country back home, I would be a shoe-in for a TL position. Nope. They said it didn't matter what I did before.

I just found a better job outside of retail and said good-bye to Target.
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Food Ave at my store is basically the black hole they put you in when they don't know what else to do with you! We had a GSA who was turned down for a promotion to GSTL; she was pretty disappointed so they "gave" her food ave to run. No more money, not a TL position, but hey, "you're in charge"! Big whoop. Then they proceeded to stick her with some extremely unreliable seasonal hires who half the time don't bother to show up. Whee....
All I can say is it will get better for the OP. Find a job somewhere that doesn't require a degree to move up. Seriously that's the problem with Target. They'll continue to dangle that carrot until you realize that the ETLs and STL don't want anyone without a degree to move up.
With the exception of coachings, interviews & statuses, GSAs at my store do everything else that GSTLs do. We run the front end, order supplies, account for scores/metrics, do schedules, sales planners, forecasts, etc. We ALL have TIPP access as well as MAX.
If fact, we've been frequently asked what our ETL-GE actually does.

I think stores just take advantage of the position too much... I don't think a GSA should be watching the lanes for 40 hours a week! They should help fill in gaps with the schedule (taking a closing night or weekend rotation) and then the rest of their hours come from other front end workcenters! Outside of being able to watch the lanes and keep the front end from falling apart, there shouldn't be any responsibilities inherently tied to the title of GSA... The only reason for MAX access is because according to best practice, you should have your breaks and lunches all keyed into MAX and then you can print the break schedule from there...

The other things mentioned shouldn't be inherent to your position as GSA.... The only reason I would personally give those out to a GSA is if this person was looking to promote, because in all honesty they are really good things you could say when you go to TL interviews! You want strong answers and these types of things do really help, but I don't think you should be doing them just because you are a GSA...
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