Well this happened to me today, when my LOD told me he wanted to talk to me for a moment, I thought for sure it was something I was going to get coached over. But turns out he wanted to have a walking chat. I was told this was a one on one conversation for those who do not attend the group chats/breakout sessions. So he did the whole questionnaire of: "how would you rate the overall morale of your department/store", "when was the last time you were recognized", etc..... So when he asked me if I had any suggestions to make the stockroom better, and my first thought that popped up were the old rickedy ladders that we still use. I told him that they tend to shift a little, and some of them are just really hard to get out of the aisle and maybe we could get some new ones. I thought he would say something that would just brush off my suggestion, but he said "actually with our remodel happening soon, we will be getting those ladders that are like the ones they use in bookstores and libraries ". Not to sound like a nerd, but that is a good thing to hear, will make moving through the aisle a lot smoother and you don't have to waste time and pull the ladders out.