We've been taking in so much freight we have nowhere to put it.

Mar 25, 2020
What about you guys? Even E&F has been told they would be on mandatory OT for at least a few months. Puts are 1-2 days behind due to all the larges. Main issue is small label drops 60k and under so most of it is pulled by the middle of shift. Not enough bulk\super bulk locations so were having 20 pallets of the same thing taking up 20 locations in the same aisle for both CR and NR and we can't consolidate it fast enough. They even made up bulk locations in the shipping wing and we still can't store it all. Freight is going from dock straight to bulk aisles so they don't stop unloading. Sick off all the project poppins crap.
Our OB plans have been much smaller that previous and our aisles are nearly full up again too. But we are in VLE mode. I dont know we have gotten to problematic levels yet.
My DC just extended pick you're overtime day same day every week.
We had that for a while where you pick and keep a mandatory OT day but Wed and Thu ended up being bigger drop days so there was a month or two when only Wed and Thu got scheduled up and the people who had those days complained so now we are back to rotating.

I liked the fixed day because I would take Friday and some people hate Fridays so it worked for me and for Spot. Sometimes I would end up swapping with someone who didn't want Friday for whatever other day I had.
I'm currently working a huge salvage drop and most of this stuff going salvage is Christmas stuff that someone from HQ OVER ordered. Since it's Christmas stuff, it will sit there hogging up locations until we can get it knocked down which takes time because we need to keep empty trailers available to constantly load them. It's a slog-fest.

Some double stacked bulk locations are too tall to fit through the dock door or in the trailer so I'll usually down stack them, line them up and top them off with the salvage that is Carton Air.

We don't have as much food now so if picking salvage isn't enough, consolidating isn't enough and the drops aren't enough, we may need to push the food down and bleed CR into the FD aisles.

What is everybody's thoughts on Half Smalls? I don't think they factored in the box flaps sticking up because they open boxes in MBP. I think we have too many Half Smalls.
Our OB plans have been much smaller that previous and our aisles are nearly full up again too. But we are in VLE mode. I dont know we have gotten to problematic levels yet.

We are no longer able to VLE due to people throwing labels away so they can. Which is odd since label control is supposed to PRQ the aisles instead of sitting there talking.

I'm currently working a huge salvage drop and most of this stuff going salvage is Christmas stuff that someone from HQ OVER ordered. Since it's Christmas stuff, it will sit there hogging up locations until we can get it knocked down which takes time because we need to keep empty trailers available to constantly load them. It's a slog-fest.

Some double stacked bulk locations are too tall to fit through the dock door or in the trailer so I'll usually down stack them, line them up and top them off with the salvage that is Carton Air.

We don't have as much food now so if picking salvage isn't enough, consolidating isn't enough and the drops aren't enough, we may need to push the food down and bleed CR into the FD aisles.

What is everybody's thoughts on Half Smalls? I don't think they factored in the box flaps sticking up because they open boxes in MBP. I think we have too many Half Smalls.

Were waiting for the xmas salvage drop. We need it. Just did Halloween last week. Bin op was a big flop and slows us down. It's like they chose perfect flat boxes to use as a guide so the not perfectly flat top boxes get caught on the rack. Rack puters just leave them in the aisle and move on. On top of this they never finished the bin flop because they ran out of material and are back now so were also pulling them down and stashing those in bulk aisles until they're done and can go back up.
There are rumors on Reddit of stores being sent a massive amount of excess Home freight to relieve storage problems at DCs. Judging by all the Brightroom crap in my backroom, those rumors seem true.

That's the project poppins crap I said I was sick of.
We are having same issue of more coming in than going out.

But we chose to put absolute morons on consolidation duty.

So what they did was empty out a pallet in a rack aisle but not zero it out.

They then took those boxes to a waterfall aisle and crammed them in and just left them without reinstating them many times taking up 2 or 3 waterfall locations because it's 20+ boxes.

Now all those rack locations have pulls against them and the freight is crammed somewhere.

But it's about what you expect from our amazing management
There are rumors on Reddit of stores being sent a massive amount of excess Home freight to relieve storage problems at DCs. Judging by all the Brightroom crap in my backroom, those rumors seem true.
I saw a communication on myday. My store is getting an additional truck and a half worth of additional home freight that won't be able to be swept back. It stays until it sells.
Our DC same problem. The backlog of inventory is all just late arriving and now nowhere to put it. There has to be a way for it to go straight to salvage if need be. There is a massive build up of salvage and one person doing it each day. Seems they need multiple people doing it. We are back into overtime mode this week. Weather related call offs could factor into that too. We have opened up nearly all floor locations and it just keeps coming.
We have had a couple of trucks cancelled and/or delayed lately.

The latest one was because of snow four days after the storms.

I am thinking this has more to do with getting drivers than the weather.