Archived What do you think of p fresh so far?

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I love the choices & prices.
It's hard to maintain daily. A good team is needed.
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From a "guest" point of view I like it. I've been to one that just finished up work in March and I may do some shopping there plus use my 5% from the check card. plus any coupons
Pfresh is a blessing and a curse. Your choices in grocery increase, but it is very difficult to maintain. It is HIGHLY recommended to train your CTLs and PAs hard. A simple sense of urgency will help tremendously. Maintain the zone, detail and do not over fill shelves!
It is the only workcenter where time seems to fly by. Sure it takes a lot of work but I enjoy it. I do think that you need a minimum of 3 Tms during the day and 2 at night to properly run it though.
I couldnt agree with you more. For some stores, payrol doesnt allow them to have minimum of 3 Tms during the day and 2 at night.

When i took a hardlines shift from the swap board, time went by so slow. The next day, while working my 8 hr p fresh closing shift, time went by so fast because there is so much more to do.

Yeah we appearently don't. Since we only have one tm there most of the time on non-truck days. I went in the other day for a p-fresh shift and one of the TL's(we have 2 for the area plus the dry market TL who pretty much is an unofficial 3 TL for the section) was surprised I was there to help him since it wasn't a truck day.
As a shopper I love it since it gives me more options and hate it since we're not as full as we should be.
As an employee I hate it since dayside keeps messing everything up (from location accuracy to not line dating/ incorrectly dating bakery) for my overnight team.
How does it work out at the registers? Is their codes that every salesfloor team have to remember for produce?

There should be a laminated sheet at your registers that have all the codes for foodstuffs.

Our registers not only have the laminated sheets but we have a smaller paper taped to each register that have the most common fruit and veggie codes. Also nothing is weighed, they are charged either per bag/box, or per apple/banana/etc...
There should be a laminated sheet at your registers that have all the codes for foodstuffs.

Our registers not only have the laminated sheets but we have a smaller paper taped to each register that have the most common fruit and veggie codes. Also nothing is weighed, they are charged either per bag/box, or per apple/banana/etc...

You wouldn't believe how many guests have tried to argue with me over the price of their bananas. I keep explaining that we don't sell them by weight, but they only seem to believe it when the market TL tells them 10 minutes later. (I actually had one lady yell at me for putting my hand down on the scanner because she thought I was "pushing the scale".) Also, why is the code for bananas (8011) different from the PLU on the Chiquita stickers (4011)?
4011 is for single banana.
8011 is for multi bananas.
I used the wrong code because I forget I am not at the self ckout at my local grocery store.
4011 is for bananas sold by weight.
8011 is for bananas sold by eaches.

Thanks! None of the other cashiers at my store seem to know, and I've never thought to ask the GSTLs or market TL. Maybe now the newbies will do it right once I tell them...
From my experience as a "guest" I don't even shop where I work. They don't pay me enough to shop at Target. And I've compared the prices of items in our pfresh to that of other grocery stores in my area and Targets prices are still higher even with my 10% discount....

So really I don't care much for pfresh. It's pointless in my opinion...
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I shop at pfresh but only for the marked down items. If you do it every day and just buy what has been tagged for sell-by, you can save some serious money.
From my experience as a "guest" I don't even shop where I work. They don't pay me enough to shop at Target. And I've compared the prices of items in our pfresh to that of other grocery stores in my area and Targets prices are still higher even with my 10% discount....

So really I don't care much for pfresh. It's pointless in my opinion...

The focus with pFresh is to make more non-superT stores the "one-shop stop" for guests, especially for those quick after-work supper runs.
Thanks! None of the other cashiers at my store seem to know, and I've never thought to ask the GSTLs or market TL. Maybe now the newbies will do it right once I tell them...

Also for PA's or CTL's placing orders, 4012 is for yellow(ripe) bananas and 4013 is for still green bananas 🙂
As a guest with the red card and my discount, I really like it. In my area, i get really good deals on the basics such as milk and eggs. At my local giant stores, fat free milk is 3.99. At my local targets including my own, it is 2.99 before my discounts. There are certain items they are same price as giant but with the discounts, it helps me and family out a lot.

As a employee, its very busy and stressful work. You have a team that works together to make p fresh the best it can be. If you have people trying to make the people you directly work with look bad, things will be stressful. It also sucks, as in my case, were you have the backroom team member who works solely in the p fresh coolers and freezers, blame me for the coolers and freezers location accuracy going down. Yes, this one tm blames for our lower br accuracy numbers going down. (NOTE, i work in the backroom p fresh area once a week while he works there 5 days a week)
I have a question for discussion? What's the price for banana at YOUR store currently? I am curious if it is the same in all areas or changes depending on area. Discuss
ours is .24 cents a banana. When we opened p fresh last october, it was .19 cents a banana
Produce isn't weighed??? Blasphemy!

Thats kinda weird considering we weigh all our stuff at SuperT.
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