Archived What Happens When AP Bust People?

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What most people also don't know about is the new BoosterCard. Basically, when you sign up you get everything in the store for free and a 1 in 10 chance of winning a pair of silver bracelets.

Does it come in debit? Do I need a check, Why do I need a check?
Basically the AP office is a lot larger than it looks.
When we observe someone shoplifting, we politely ask them to come back inside and discuss the merchandise. Once inside, we offer them a drink from the bar and instruct them to take a seat on the leather sofa.
We then ask them why the decided to walk out without paying for the merchandise. About 90% of the time it's a just a simple mistake and they forgot they left the 10 headphones in their pocket earlier. Understandable. We then watch TV until PD arrives.
Once they arrive, they collect the subject's information. The subject usually asks at this point if they are going to go to jail. PD says it's up to Target. We tell them that was back in the old days, now Target just wants you trespassed for a year..BUT if you sign up for a RedCard you don't get trespassed and you get to keep the headphones.
Needless to say, Target wants to ensure its ALWAYS a pleasant experience for the shoplifter involved.
Sounds about right, especially in California.
Anyway, my store participates in what's called the Shoplift program. As long as the subject has a physical ID, is from our county, and no priors for theft and/or warrants/probation, they're just given a trespass notice and walked out. They have the Civil Demand notice from Target, as well as some form from the DA's office with instructions for the program mailed to them. If they do everything, they don't go to court and it doesn't go on their record as a conviction for theft, but if they don't, or they're arrested again for the same, they get arrested and face a judge.
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