Archived What to do with defects

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Jan 23, 2019
So I have never really been taught what to do with defects except for when it happens and I need to ask. Could someone help me out with the following questions? Assuming it's all for hardlines (not market or soft lines)

1. When do I use override to toss? My TL did this for broken glass but is that the only time?

2. When should items get bagged and zip ties?

3. Can cat food that's been ripped open still be donated?

4. We have some tubs at recieving that I've seen some people put defected items in. Anybody know what these are for? They aren't donations or the salvage pallet.

5. If there is an open chem item, say dish soap, and the zebra says to put it in salvage, should it be bagged and put with the rest of the salvage? I'd be worried it would leak out of the bags

6. What happens with all the salvage?
Pretty much always follow the POS.

We never override to TOSS.

ESIM will be prompted and those items need to be bagged, tied and put in ESIM bin.

If anything can be donated, POS will tell you.

If open chem item says defect to Salvage then no bag & tie is needed. Just sticker and put in Salvage bin.
So I have never really been taught what to do with defects except for when it happens and I need to ask. Could someone help me out with the following questions? Assuming it's all for hardlines (not market or soft lines)

1. When do I use override to toss? My TL did this for broken glass but is that the only time?
Sometimes I overide to toss on plastic totes that have sharp cracked edges . If there is a chance someone will be cut by those jagged edges.
2. When should items get bagged and zip ties?
All esim items. As you sort the items from guest service and defect things you will learn different classes of esim.
3. Can cat food that's been ripped open still be donated?
I donate the torn bags. Just tape them closed or put in a plastic bag zip tie. If a bag is almost torn in half I just throw it away.
4. We have some tubs at recieving that I've seen some people put defected items in.Anybody know what these are for? They aren't donations or the salvage pallet.
This is the most difficult thing to be confidante about. If it's not damaged it might be out of date. If not than I scan the item to see if it might be price changed thats not ticketed or even p.c. salvage. Team members who don't know to handle clearance will just dump on us for us to figured out. Just show them what they should do with it. Another reason is maybe its not sold in your store and a rewrap price ticket needs to be printed. It's possible there is no upc. I will go ahead and get info for this as I am coming back from my lunch. If I can't find it I get with team members in the dept or guest service will work their magic to get info and defect it for me.
5. If there is an open chem item, say dish soap, and the zebra says to put it in salvage, should it be bagged and put with the rest of the salvage? I'd be worried it would leak out of the bags
If the package is comprised it should be overridden to toss. You will than be ask if the item is open or leaking. Answer yes. Then a esim label will print. It doesnt say toss, the label will print what type hazard it is. I will either donate or sort to the esim totes. Some things can never be donated like makeup, over the counter pharmacy, baby formula/food and any item return by guest or if the safety seal is broken. I've learned that if I think that item could tip over and leak I will override to tosd. I've cleaned up to many messes. After all no matter how tight you zip tie a bag, liquid will not stay in a bag that tips over. If you wwant to keep the item as salvage just box it separately from other items. Don't mix the different types of esim in the the same box. Be sure to put the arrow up labels. If the box is flammable items include the black diamond label.
6. What happes to all the salvage?
Sold to third parties as much as possible.
Pretty much always follow the POS.

We never override to TOSS.

ESIM will be prompted and those items need to be bagged, tied and put in ESIM bin.

If anything can be donated, POS will tell you.

If open chem item says defect to Salvage then no bag & tie is needed. Just sticker and put in Salvage bin.
Wrong all chem are esim and needs to be bag and sealed .
So I have never really been taught what to do with defects except for when it happens and I need to ask. Could someone help me out with the following questions? Assuming it's all for hardlines (not market or soft lines)

1. When do I use override to toss? My TL did this for broken glass but is that the only time?
Don’t override to toss unless you can’t salvage the item as per your leader broken glass.
2. When should items get bagged and zip ties?
All chem, otc, hba, babies and cosm will always , and I mean always will be esim. However you can also donate chem and hba but none of the rest.
3. Can cat food that's been ripped open still be donated?
Yes , and as I said above also , open bottles of chem , or shampoo.
4. We have some tubs at recieving that I've seen some people put defected items in. Anybody know what these are for? They aren't donations or the salvage pallet.

Here is what to know , with the new roll out there will be no more defective bins in recieving . Everyone is to work their own defectives .
5. If there is an open chem item, say dish soap, and the zebra says to put it in salvage, should it be bagged and put with the rest of the salvage? I'd be worried it would leak out of the bags
Do not put any chem in salvage , chem is and always will be esim
6. What happens with all the salvage?
Salvage gets send back to DC as sweep and your store gets credit for it
Also override to toss on cold items unless your store has a cold donate bin. (ASANTS check with GSTL)

ie: you can’t donate room temp milk. Dump in drain and toss.
Reason I was asking about chen/dish soap is because I had a spill and had to defect it out. The zebra said to put it with salvage and I didn't have time to ask a TL. Not proud of it but I left it in a tub I have seen other TMs but defects in at receiving that isn't for donations.

Side note: is chem supposed to be cleaned up by a TM like water or a beverage? I recall the training videos saying to call a TL but my TL just had me use the powder from a spill station and throw it in the trash
Reason I was asking about chen/dish soap is because I had a spill and had to defect it out. The zebra said to put it with salvage and I didn't have time to ask a TL. Not proud of it but I left it in a tub I have seen other TMs but defects in at receiving that isn't for donations.

Side note: is chem supposed to be cleaned up by a TM like water or a beverage? I recall the training videos saying to call a TL but my TL just had me use the powder from a spill station and throw it in the trash
I believe Chem should be cleaned up by someone with proper training. That being said if it’s dish soap I think you can just do it yourself.
I believe Chem should be cleaned up by someone with proper training. That being said if it’s dish soap I think you can just do it yourself.

anything that isn’t food, water, or snow must be cleaned by someone with advanced hazardous materials training. but in reality nobody is calling the ERT every time a tiny amount of laundry soap spills lmao
Side note: is chem supposed to be cleaned up by a TM like water or a beverage? I recall the training videos saying to call a TL but my TL just had me use the powder from a spill station and throw it in the trash
Unless there has been a recent change, TMs are only supposed to clean up food and water. TLs are trained to clean up chemicals and should not pass the buck to TMs. I hope your TL provided you with the required personal protective equipment at least. Your TL was also wrong in telling you to clean up a chemical spill and throw the powder in the trash. Throwing ESIM chemicals in the trash is absolutely forbidden and could lead to Spot being fined. Not your fault, but your TL could use a hazmat course refresh. Like, yesterday.
my TL just had me use the powder from a spill station and throw it in the trash
Your tl needs more training .
Holy hell the amount of wrong answers in this thread are terrifying.

1. Open chem should be overridden if they prompt salvage, POS will then prompt it as ESIM.

2. Override should not be used often, exceptions include open chem, broken glass/ceramic (cracked can still be salvaged assuming you safely package it) and items with bodily fluids on them.

3. Team members without the old ST 0020, 0030 trainings (they recently changed the number designation) should only be cleaning up food/beverage/water spills. They should not be cleaning up chemical or bodily fluid spills. They should block off the area and call someone who can.
You can only dump a certain amount of milk down the drain a day though so give to grocery to process.
I know nothing about GS so I’m probably wrong but I thought milk always goes to vendor pickup?
I think it did when we still used POS to defect out perishables. I was told to dump the product, rinse out the jug a bit, and put the empty jug in the VP bin. Since switching to using MyWork for defects, my instructions became dump the liquid, throw out the jug.

You can only dump a certain amount of milk down the drain a day though so give to grocery to process.
I've never heard that before. :confused:
I know nothing about GS so I’m probably wrong but I thought milk always goes to vendor pickup?
Yeah it is VP my bad. It should still be dumped though. You can always tell when someone doesn’t bc GS smells terrible lol
So those bins in receiving that I mentioned in my first post are for ESIM. I never realized there is ESIM info on the defect label. So no fear, I've never put ESIM salvage at the wrong spot!
Holy hell the amount of wrong answers in this thread are terrifying.

1. Open chem should be overridden if they prompt salvage, POS will then prompt it as ESIM.

2. Override should not be used often, exceptions include open chem, broken glass/ceramic (cracked can still be salvaged assuming you safely package it) and items with bodily fluids on them.

3. Team members without the old ST 0020, 0030 trainings (they recently changed the number designation) should only be cleaning up food/beverage/water spills. They should not be cleaning up chemical or bodily fluid spills. They should block off the area and call someone who can.
Chem will always be esim when you defect in mywork as a tm and not at the guest service
Also make sure you put your ESIM in the ESIM SORT bin not the ST, FL, CB, etc.. They need to be scanned into the correct bins and as far as I know you can only do that with a PDA under Outbound Tracking. Hopefully soon it will be in the zebra before too long.
Where are you supposed to dump it? We don’t have anywhere to dump stuff.. the milk honestly smells fine imo, what’s really bad is when a warm extreme meat pizza comes up and sits in the VP bin all day...
I'm going to take a wild guess and say you have bathrooms and a brand attendant closet somewhere in the store...with drains...down which you can pour liquids.
they might even have a food service area.... or even starbucks.....
Obviously we have drains in the store. What we don’t have is a TM who can leave GS to go and dump them... I thought they were referring to a sink literally at GS.
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