Archived Why do we still carry CDs?

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Oct 14, 2011
I can't believe we still carry music CDs.... Talk about a failure. The only time we ever have a CD leave the store is through theft. No one buys the damn things anymore, but at my store they are still taking up 10 aisles of space.

I was thinking today that those aisles could be completely knocked out and replaced with tons of electronics items that would sell.
Not even sure what the average margin is for most CD's we carry... I'll look into that, I'm curious now.
I can't believe we still carry music CDs.... Talk about a failure. The only time we ever have a CD leave the store is through theft. No one buys the damn things anymore, but at my store they are still taking up 10 aisles of space.

I was thinking today that those aisles could be completely knocked out and replaced with tons of electronics items that would sell.

I wonder that everyday.....
Not even sure what the average margin is for most CD's we carry... I'll look into that, I'm curious now.

Cannot IMAGINE there is much margin on CD's. I mean for pete's sake...there are a couple TV's we have right now that we loose money on. For real.
I can't believe we still carry music CDs.... Talk about a failure. The only time we ever have a CD leave the store is through theft. No one buys the damn things anymore, but at my store they are still taking up 10 aisles of space.

I was thinking today that those aisles could be completely knocked out and replaced with tons of electronics items that would sell.

At my store, new releases and anything that's "popular" seem to sell, but I'm not so sure about everything else.
I feel like my store sells a fair amount of TVs. I rarely ring, but when I do I definitely ring a CD or two.... and that's just each time I head up for a quick backup.
CD sales still make up a very sizable chunk of music sales, and interestingly Target is still one of the few mass merchandising retailers that sells them well. In the coming years though that will eventually change and that department will shrink down overall.
I still buy CDs and at my store people actually buy them alot. I like to have a physical media, plus I like supporting an artist that way instead of going through itunes. Plus having anice CD collection is cool.
At our store the CDs seem to sell pretty well. Every day that I cashier (usually 3 days) I see at least two or three sales.
I think that CDs will stay around for awhile, especially with Target having so many exclusive music releases. Tony Bennett has done two exclusive CDs for Target. Not too long ago there was a Brittany Spears special release. Recently, Andrea Boccelli (or however you spell his name) put out an exclusive CD, too.

So Target is getting some good business this way. They attract performers from many venues and that's got to be a huge help, too.

Me? I still buy CDs. Don't have any of the products that you need to download music from the web. So, if I don't get CDs, then all I have is radio.
There are actually still quite a few artists that are not on itunes, for whatever reason. Plus, I've had to replace my computer and my ipod at the same time more than once, so it's great to have the hard copy so I don't have to buy the same song five times. I've also managed to accidentally erase my music library from both at the same time and had to reload all of it. I will either buy the CD and upload it to my computer or I'll buy it on itunes and then download it onto the ipod and a blank CD. I will say that in the seven years since I received my first ipod for Christmas, the itunes library has greatly improved.
I still buy CDs depending on the artist every so often. But I flip through my albums, and I have trouble playing a 25% of it because they are all scratched or smudged up.

We really need to switch to a media that is more scratch resistant.

I was hoping CDs would be replaced by SD or USB flash media by now.

Its said that society loves the artwork sleeve with CDs But it seems the music industry has a deal with the automotive industry.
I've had to replace my computer and my ipod at the same time more than once, so it's great to have the hard copy so I don't have to buy the same song five times. I've also managed to accidentally erase my music library from both at the same time and had to reload all of it.

You don't had to do this anymore. Either on your comp or iPod in iTunes there's a section called Purchased. You can go there and it will show every song you've ever downloaded and every song not currently on your comp/iPod and let you download it again! 🙂
Target also does heavy exclusive licensing with artists...Target exclusive CDs with bonus tracks, etc. I forgot to look at the cost table for some random CD DPCI's today, I'll try to remember tomorrow.
You don't had to do this anymore. Either on your comp or iPod in iTunes there's a section called Purchased. You can go there and it will show every song you've ever downloaded and every song not currently on your comp/iPod and let you download it again! 🙂

Yep. This is true.

If Target got rid of CDs what would they replace the space with/
Yep. This is true.

If Target got rid of CDs what would they replace the space with/

Stuff that sells with better profit margins. Electronics would probably expand due to the fact that that department makes a CRAPLOAD of cash. It all depends, housewares used to be a major moneymaker for Target but over the years sales in that section has continued to drop, so probably more grocery expansion over time.
Although we did scale back around 09 (I think), Target still sales a lot of physical copies. Plus many artist have deals with Target as others have noted. Even the little breakroom news thingy was mentioning how many CD's Target pushes each year.
You don't had to do this anymore. Either on your comp or iPod in iTunes there's a section called Purchased. You can go there and it will show every song you've ever downloaded and every song not currently on your comp/iPod and let you download it again! 🙂

So I've seen. It would have saved me a lot of money if they'd had it back when I needed to replace my library. At least it's there for me in the future should I ever need it again, which I hope I won't.
I think it's called iCloud or something like that.
There's also a program called PD Rescue that you can buy which will allow you to upload stuff from your iPod to your computer. I bought it for my mom and then borrowed it. I don't think Target carries it. I bought it at an Apple store a couple years ago.
I was cashiering on Sunday, and actually sold an 8 pack of VHS tapes......$21.99 for them.....amazing.....
Good point. CDs are crap. Personally, if I want an album, I buy an LP if I can, or I'll buy a CD if nothing else, straight from the artist. Our store seems to sell a good bit of CDs though. I think we just have more people in the area that don't know how to use the internets and just have horrible/common sense of taste in music. Even so, I agree, even what we sell, it doesn't seem like it would make up for the hassle. I think more company time is wasted on stocking them, keeping them organized, and helping guests find them than it is even worth selling them. If anything, they should stick strictly to new releases and just push them until they're gone and discontinued. It would make things way more easier to manage and it would keep most people happy, and keep almost the same amount in sales.

At our store the CDs seem to sell pretty well. Every day that I cashier (usually 3 days) I see at least two or three sales.
I think that CDs will stay around for awhile, especially with Target having so many exclusive music releases. Tony Bennett has done two exclusive CDs for Target. Not too long ago there was a Brittany Spears special release. Recently, Andrea Boccelli (or however you spell his name) put out an exclusive CD, too.

So Target is getting some good business this way. They attract performers from many venues and that's got to be a huge help, too.

Me? I still buy CDs. Don't have any of the products that you need to download music from the web. So, if I don't get CDs, then all I have is radio.

I will either buy the CD and upload it to my computer or I'll buy it on itunes and then download it onto the ipod and a blank CD. I will say that in the seven years since I received my first ipod for Christmas, the itunes library has greatly improved.
Even then, you're still limiting your experience with different music and artists. I'm not going to lie, I use a couple private trackers, not because I can just get stuff for free, but because you can get your hands on just about anything under the sun. If it weren't for torrents, I would have missed out on a lot of great music. On top of that, iTunes is crap, and personally I think you're wasting your money since you are dependent upon iTunes and you're buying lossy media that's encoded a way that's not of your choosing. I know that doesn't mean anything to most people, but it does for me. I usually keep things in FLAC so I can encode them the way I want later. If I find something I really like, I try saving to buy the LP or CD at a show, or from their site, or Amazon if all else fails.

Why do we still sell books? I mean, OMG, have people never heard of TV?
Inorite. Mine doesn't have a very good selection, but I'm glad I got A Dance with Dragons at $25 as opposed to $33 like the book store down the road wanted. =3

I still buy CDs depending on the artist every so often. But I flip through my albums, and I have trouble playing a 25% of it because they are all scratched or smudged up. We really need to switch to a media that is more scratch resistant. I was hoping CDs would be replaced by SD or USB flash media by now. Its said that society loves the artwork sleeve with CDs But it seems the music industry has a deal with the automotive industry.
Umyeah. Like I said, CDs are crap. Especially the media that most labels use, they're going to use the cheapest crap they can get their hands on, obviously. Most of my music is mirrored over a couple hard drives. I upload it to another hard drive that I keep in my car, connect via usb to the head unit.
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Most CD's cost from 10 to 14 dollars and are marked up to the prices we see on the shelves. I didn't really look at what the "bargain" 9.99 CDs were.
I still buy CDs and at my store people actually buy them alot. I like to have a physical media, plus I like supporting an artist that way instead of going through itunes. Plus having anice CD collection is cool.

What he said.

I only buy digital copies if I only want one or two tracks from a album. The older generation still buys CDs as well.

Stuff can happen to digital copies of media over the years and if your don't have licenses and what not backed up..You can find yourself buying it all over again. I can buy an physical album, rip the media to my PC, and transfer it to whatever device I like.

The elephant in the room however, is the younger generation who will torrent everything without even giving it a second thought. This gives an excuse for big industry producers to push terrible things like the "SOPA" (aka commercial regulation of the internet) bill to congress. <cringes>
the problem is with 2012 around the corner, many computer manufactures may do away with optical disc drives. Apple's macbook air doesnt even have one and I could see PC makers replacing optical drives with larger batteries or additional hard drives.
the problem is with 2012 around the corner, many computer manufactures may do away with optical disc drives. Apple's macbook air doesnt even have one and I could see PC makers replacing optical drives with larger batteries or additional hard drives.

Nonsense, current optical drives will be replaced with Blu-ray drives, they are already optional so its just a matter of time before they come standard.

Regardless, I build and upgrade my own PC and floppy disk drives are still being manufactured, so I'm fairly certain my CDs/DVDs won't be reduced to beverage coasters for a long while.

Why do we sell BOOKS?!?! I mean, some books, fine, but THAT MANY books???

WHY? We just have to tear off the front cover and chuck them in two weeks anyways! Its SUCCCCHHHHH a waste. Of time. Of resources. Trees. I HHHAAAATTTEEE doing it.
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