Archived wic inspection

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Apr 22, 2015
is there any p.a here who's had to deal with a wic inspection how did you prepare ?? I need help please ! :(
My store started taking WIC last year, but as the store PA I haven't heard anything about a WIC inspection. I assumed that would be more of a front end thing to make sure they properly process it. Do you know what they're inspecting? (Labels on proper products, etc?)
The biggest thing with WIC is Instocks. Theres a Minimum on Shelf and a Minimum in store requirements for WIC. The hardest thing to manage is the Vendor product, for example we get bread two times a week...... but are required to have three loafs of two types of WIC'able type of bread on the shelf all the time..... Im sure any PA with understand that struggle....

From what I know, Target just removed the Wic Label program, where on the label strip it say its a WIC item. But that could be because we have had an issue in several stores in my district.
From what I know, Target just removed the Wic Label program, where on the label strip it say its a WIC item. But that could be because we have had an issue in several stores in my district.

Cause they might have figured it out that just flexing anything anywhere might cause issues with WIC so the quick fix is not advertise what items are eligible.
My store started taking WIC last year, but as the store PA I haven't heard anything about a WIC inspection. I assumed that would be more of a front end thing to make sure they properly process it. Do you know what they're inspecting? (Labels on proper products, etc?)
We just started taking it recently-ish as well. Never had an inspection, but I worry about the bread. We never keep anything but the cheap white and expensive organic at the end of a weekend....
The biggest thing with WIC is Instocks. Theres a Minimum on Shelf and a Minimum in store requirements for WIC. The hardest thing to manage is the Vendor product, for example we get bread two times a week...... but are required to have three loafs of two types of WIC'able type of bread on the shelf all the time..... Im sure any PA with understand that struggle....

From what I know, Target just removed the Wic Label program, where on the label strip it say its a WIC item. But that could be because we have had an issue in several stores in my district.
Interesting. Well, my store will not do great with the bread. No amount of talks with our bread vendors has resulted in better instocks.
We just started taking it recently-ish as well. Never had an inspection, but I worry about the bread. We never keep anything but the cheap white and expensive organic at the end of a weekend....
My bread aisle sells out of things usually the same day the vendor comes in. They never leave extras of things that actually sell. :/
Interesting. Well, my store will not do great with the bread. No amount of talks with our bread vendors has resulted in better instocks.

My bread aisle sells out of things usually the same day the vendor comes in. They never leave extras of things that actually sell. :/
I might have a rack from Pepperidge over the weekend with some buns and country white/country potato. But its because he loves me and I've told him I'd push it if guests were looking.

One of the bread vendors is such an ass I was originally told to not even make eye contact with him, let alone greet him or request anything from him. He's less of a dick these days. I think the CTL at the time got him on a bad day.

But yeah, trying to get the bread vendors with WIC bread to bring enough is almost impossible. Getting a vendor to do what you want is like herding water with a pack of tennis rackets.
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