Archived Working at Starbucks

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Jun 26, 2019
Hey! Friday’s orientation I’ll be working at Starbucks. I’m sure we will go over this at orientation or maybe not idk. I’d like to know before I get my nails done is polish a no no? Also is there a place to keep your small clutch by Starbucks. I rather not keep my bag in a locker because I keep my epipen and other important things on my person.
Thanks TG
Hey! Friday’s orientation I’ll be working at Starbucks. I’m sure we will go over this at orientation or maybe not idk. I’d like to know before I get my nails done is polish a no no? Also is there a place to keep your small clutch by Starbucks. I rather not keep my bag in a locker because I keep my epipen and other important things on my person.
Thanks TG
ASANTS. (All stores are not the same.) A term you’ll see a lot on here and on Reddit.

My store for example, I do NOT allow nails to be done (unless it’s one of those things you plan on doing for a special occasion and promptly will go back to natural, just have to wear gloves 100% of your shift.) Some stores allow you to wear gloves if your nails are done...

Same goes to your clutch. IDC because we have a coat rack in our back area. But some are super strict. I have a feeling if you bring up your epi it shouldn’t be a huge issue.

Good luck!
We aren’t allowed to have any personal items anywhere in a food service area. It’s a food safety violation. Some stores will let you get away with it, but sooner or later they’re going to regret that.
I do not allow my team to have personal belongings in Starbucks because it is a major food safety violation and eco lab will ding us for it.
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