Archived working with the temps

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Dec 12, 2014
I work in inbound and work art everyday, I just want to get other team members opinions about the temps. These guys definitely make our job harder. The spacing is always bad, they can't throw the boxes straight so I'm constantly hearing the beeping. When our art line gets backed up from bad freight, they just stay inside the trailor instead of coming out and seeing how they can help. It's a big pain and I get tired of babysitting them all day. I understand that they get paid less but they signed up for the job. Getting a hard working temp who actually wants to show the gls that they want the job is really rare. I last worked with someone like that about a year ago and they got hired on fulltime. Maybe it's just my DC with a bunch of bad Temps idk lol, but I'm thinking about leaving art and working the dock, would be less stressful. Ok I'm finished ranting lol.
I could say the same thing about half of our full-time team members in OB, especially the guys in doors :p . Fact of the matter is, most temps aren't great, but that's the direction corporate wants to head, so we'll have to deal with them one way or another. The bad temps are just the nature of the beast when dealing with any temp agency. When I POC in depal, I've found the best way to deal with temps is to just treat them as though they were another TM; shoot the breeze while throwing with them, pep talks, talk about state of the building, that sort of thing. They start to feel like part of the team, they'll soon act like it, too.
I could say the same thing about half of our full-time team members in OB, especially the guys in doors :p . Fact of the matter is, most temps aren't great, but that's the direction corporate wants to head, so we'll have to deal with them one way or another. The bad temps are just the nature of the beast when dealing with any temp agency. When I POC in depal, I've found the best way to deal with temps is to just treat them as though they were another TM; shoot the breeze while throwing with them, pep talks, talk about state of the building, that sort of thing. They start to feel like part of the team, they'll soon act like it, too.

I know it's a little bit different on the sales floor, but some of our seasonal members treat it just as it is to them, like they're just passing through for a month or two. It's annoying, because I have to take the time out of my day to train them when I could be lining up some wins for the floor during this time of the year. It's annoying to have to deal with some of them to be honest. Some of them really want to be here, but what I found is exactly what you've stated...

Just treat them as any other team member and be as helpful as possible they'll eventually just gel in and I have even had 1 TM come up and tell me that he hasn't felt singled out and now wants to stay on if given the chance when seasonal is over. I kind of pointed them down a path to retain his position but only time will tell if he gets the green light.
Out of fear of giving to much detail for Spot to spot me.. (puny!) Your location isn't the only one. And be thankful that ART is all you have to deal with at your location... Jesus if only I could get started... I probably wouldn't finish... But as I told my SGL once, "You get what you pay for".

But as beast said, treat them like they are... ya know, people. God knows most of their employers aren't.
The best approach to temps has pretty much been said. It will always be in a state of flux due to constant changeover. Give them your best and work in a way of some inclusion to the process. Each building has its own unique set of challenges and some very similar. The bottom line is treat them as any other team mate in a respectful and helpful way. Engage when possible and ask how they are doing? Give positive feedback on anything that would promote a behavior that would build upon itself. Thank them for their efforts. Don't just give notice to behaviors that bother or irritate you. If they happen to have a run of great spacing and throwing pace. Let them know right away. You get the idea.
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