Archived Would You Try to Fight a Coaching?

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Dec 11, 2011
So everyone on my team is getting coached for the same thing. My score is near perfect and I have the lowest number of occurrences out of everyone. Should I try to fight it or just take it since it's just a coaching?
For me it would depend what I am being coached for. I have been with target for 2 and a half years and have yet to receive a coaching. So to me, it would depend on why and, who was coaching me. If it was a new TL transfer coaching me for something stupid, I would probably point that fact out pretty obviously.
After doing some research, it looks like 99.5 is the goal and 1 baffle per 1000 pulls is okay. I think I'm good, but probably won't say anything. I don't want it to look like I'm trying to be better than my team.
Are they coaching you individually as a group? Back in the day my old TL got in big trouble for coaching several of us at the same time. Eventually she got fired for other things but, just a heads up.
So what is a baffle. Does that have to do with your pull times in the back? Because I'm filling in for the BRcloser while he's on Vacation (on quit and the other got fired). I;ve been keeping up with cafs but I don't wanna do something that fuck me later
It's a group coaching. I'll only say something if the pet doesn't get one. (She has more baffles btw.)

A baffle is essentially an error or mistake. Whenever you pull the # it wants and thinks that is all in the location, but actually there are more in that location, that is a baffle. That is why whenever it asks me for less than the total amount, I toggle over to STO to see how many it thinks are in there. Also if you locu a location, but do it wrong. And if you m-delete and not scan everything.
does that also count with pipo that doesn't ask for the quality when sto'd. because we have a ton of paper that doesn't fit out on the floor but it say to pull like 20, we'll "pull" 20 but only take like 5
That's fine as long as you're sure it's filled to capacity.
Last week, i was helping out the BR with pulls because they were so big, last Wednesday the 12 o'clock cafs were over 5 hours! when i check the report it said i had 14 baffles and 478 pulls worked. IDK if im gonna get in trouble now, :( haha, Im usually very careful when pulling, but lately the way they have been backstocking its hard,they'll have like 10 different dpci's of like items in one waco!! wtf
sorry, rant over.
Yeah, it can be hard when that happens. Just take your time and scan every item. When you hear the double beep, check the dpci and put that one to the side. Then hit return (left arrow) and continue scanning. Put all the double beeps together and pull those.
Yeah, it can be hard when that happens. Just take your time and scan every item. When you hear the double beep, check the dpci and put that one to the side. Then hit return (left arrow) and continue scanning. Put all the double beeps together and pull those.
Thanks Konk! :)
I'm not quite at 14,000 pulls but almost there.
How would you print the detail report? Sorted by pulls (I'm third) or sorted by # of baffles (I'm down with the people with 500 pulls).
Yeah I'm gonna sort it by pulls so all the BRTMs are at the top and they'll be able to see how low my baffles are compared to the team.
We have a guy who has 22,000 pulls for the year and is at 2 baffles. 1 m-delete and 1 y-usage. Btw Locu baffles dont count against score :)
Not sure if you are aware of this or not, so I'll throw this out there, but there are two kinds of coaching. Coaching for performance and coaching for development. The latter is not considered a bad thing by leadership. It's literally "We like this person, let's help them improve by focusing on one or more of their opportunities."

Of course, if you are being coached for performance, yeah it's a downer. But just acknowledge where you can improve (There's ALWAYS room for improvement in Target's eyes) and focus on that.
Also, performance coachings aren't really a BAD thing (usually), as long as you can acknowledge your opportunities and address them appropriately. If you are being coached for performance, ask your TL to be specific, and ask them how they would handle that situation. They might be able to give you insight into a different procedure or process that might boost your performance.
This entire thread is Greek to me.. Why can't target use normal words for ANYTHING. I'll tell you - I'm baffled!

BR terms aren't really weird once you get back there and do the job.
They are like any kind of logistics work, it isn't that much different then any other warehouse.
The terms might be different but the idea is the same.
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