Archived ...and so it begins... (Hours woes)

Anyone else want to complain about your hours?

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"Can you go to 3, please?" *Turns off walkie*
Nov 19, 2012
We had a big BTS hiring push and now we're starting up seasonal (and they aren't getting drug tested o_O) , so our salesfloor team is flush with new people. They started clamping down on everyone's hours to the point that it is affecting me personally. Usually, I can pull 3 full shifts between comp shop and ad prep and another full shift on Sunday for ad setup and "garbage time" (leftover ad setup/start on price change/start ad prep for following week). I also usually get a full shift one day for price change. This week I didn't get my extra hours on Sunday, only 7ish hours for comp shop, and roughly 9 hours for what is listed as a 21hr ad prep. On top of that I have to babysit price accuracy tomorrow (I'm doing jewelry since there are always issues and I never work Fridays).
I have to work 6-7 days a week by picking up ever possible shift to get near 40 due to the nonsense they schedule me currently. But so far I've been able to stay over 35 hours due to the amount of people wanting to drop their shifts.
I don't think that states dictate how many days in a row as long as you get scheduled breaks.
I don't think that states dictate how many days in a row as long as you get scheduled breaks.

Here in California if you work more than 7 days in a row you're supposed to get OT from day 8 onward until a day off. Does target track that stuff? No. Granted, most of target's policies seem to be based off of California since we seem to be the strictest.

I wish I was hurting for hours. I keep getting operator shifts (boo!) and full service desk shifts. Also, I keep getting extended because they can't seem to hire people who won't call out.
At least in my state, you are not allowed to work every day in a schedule week (Sunday - Saturday).
You can work Monday through Saturday and Sunday through Friday (12 consecutive days), but you need to have at least one day off on each calendar week, and I'm pretty sure that's standard for all Targets.
I've never seen them schedule someone to work 7 days, but if I try and pick up shifts to do so I've never had them say no on that basis.
7 days this week to keep my hrs above 35 (what's needed to cover bills); 3 days were short shifts, 3 days ~6 hrs, 1 day 9 hrs.
I could've sworn that the rule is that they can't schedule you more than 6 days a week, but that you can pick up shifts as much as you want. I believe you also HAVE to take one day off every pay period.
11 hours next week. It's personal, I can see that looking at the schedule. Just checked the newest and it's back to 17.

On the flip side, I did not get scheduled both weekend days for the first time in forever! (Due to the missing shift on the 11 hour week)
At least in my state, you are not allowed to work every day in a schedule week (Sunday - Saturday).
You can work Monday through Saturday and Sunday through Friday (12 consecutive days), but you need to have at least one day off on each calendar week, and I'm pretty sure that's standard for all Targets.

Nope our market peeps do 8 straight days.
Payroll has been so bad this month that I've been whoring myself out to other stores.

Interesting. How does one go about doing that? I have two Targets in different directions from my house but both roughly the same distance, I'd happily pick up hours at both. How does overtime work in such cases? ie. Do they have to pay overtime if combined hours are over 40?

I know that's not typically the case when working two jobs, just not sure how it works when both jobs are with the same company.
Interesting. How does one go about doing that? I have two Targets in different directions from my house but both roughly the same distance, I'd happily pick up hours at both.

It very rarely happens. The other stores have to be in a position that they can't fill their needs with the TMs on hand. A couple of stores in my area are lacking in backroom TMs and my ETL hooked me up since he knew I really needed the hours.

How does overtime work in such cases? ie. Do they have to pay overtime if combined hours are over 40?

If your combined hours at both stores are over 40, they have to pay overtime.
I have the most job security of anyone at my Target- I'm the primary CO person and when I'm not there I'm comp shopping. Then add in a few GSA shifts and I'm at my max hours every week.
I have the most job security of anyone at my Target- I'm the primary CO person and when I'm not there I'm comp shopping. Then add in a few GSA shifts and I'm at my max hours every week.
I thought that I was pretty secure in my employment between prepping the ad, comp shop, and price accuracy. They clamped down on everyone's hours and this week I am not prepping our 7000+ piece ad and I'm only working 1.5 price change shifts. I have comp shop, but I'm down to 26 hours and there are no shifts available on the board.

I told my TL that I needed 10 more hours to prep the ad. There are no more hours to give.

I filed for partial unemployment today. (I'm at 35+ average hours and this is becoming a habit).
I bet when target gets the unemployment paperwork they will up your hours for a week then drop them, the up them for the they don't have to pay the unemployment, or write n the paperwork that you are a part time employee.
What does it say on your paycheck as far as average hours? I think They like to keep it below 32 ( or something in that area)
What does it say on your paycheck as far as average hours? I think They like to keep it below 32 ( or something in that area)

35 and change. I don't have my stub nearby. They can do what they want. They know that Spot is my only job (save for some freelance work that I can't depend on).
I can't gripe too hard because I'm a student and not super reliant on Target (thankfully). Not really digging having to pick up every shift possible just to make 20 hours though. My only real complaint? Stupid 3, 4, 5 hour shifts. Schedule me for 12 hours a week, whatever, but I hate having to go in 4x a week for 3 hours instead of x2 a week for 6+ hours.
At least in my state, you are not allowed to work every day in a schedule week (Sunday - Saturday).
You can work Monday through Saturday and Sunday through Friday (12 consecutive days), but you need to have at least one day off on each calendar week, and I'm pretty sure that's standard for all Targets.

Nope our market peeps do 8 straight days.

As a Market Peep, quoted for truth..

Tomorrow is my last day of an 8 day stretch...
...On the bright side, tomorrow is pay day and I am free until 4AM Sunday morning!
I can't gripe too hard because I'm a student and not super reliant on Target (thankfully). Not really digging having to pick up every shift possible just to make 20 hours though. My only real complaint? Stupid 3, 4, 5 hour shifts. Schedule me for 12 hours a week, whatever, but I hate having to go in 4x a week for 3 hours instead of x2 a week for 6+ hours.
I thought 4 hour shifts were minimum or is that only where I work?
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