Archived Applying to be an etl

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Jun 9, 2011
Can I just apply on the target website? I meet all the criteria, I have a B.S from a top, school, 5 plus years of experience, lots of other great skills. Or is it different because I already work there? Why is it easier for people not associated with target to just get a position, but its impossible from the inside?
You can apply to another store for etl. It is suggested to talk your hr etl or etl log(your boss) first. Then apply online.
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I lack the confidence in my ETL-HR in placing me into an ETL position. Most of the time, I think she would rather move one of her friends into an ETL position. My ETL-HL, knows that I am interested in moving up. I feel she is on my side. I recently applied for an ETL position without me telling my ETL-HR. I don't feel there is an advantage or disadvantage. Obviously if you have a solid relationship with you ETL-HR, there may be an advantage going through him/her. I chose not to. We will see.
Same here. I told my ETL-LOg, and, is willing to help. Basically told me not to say anything, just apply. Said that people will look down on me for not taking the hard road (whatever that is) but forget about that, and just do it.
Why is it easier for people not associated with target to just get a position, but its impossible from the inside?

I would say that this happens so often because Corporate likes people they can bend easily. If you don't know any other way, then you're more likely to do exactly what they tell you to do. People like you who have practical retail experience and who know perfectly well that Spot is often full of it are more likely to be creative thinkers and thus not follow "best" practice. What Corporate doesn't get is that by continuing to drive a wedge between management and hourly TMs, they're creating an extremely frustrating work environment for many of the people who work at Target.
Our previous ETL played GSTLs/GSAs off each other because it gave her greater leverage & control. Eventually, they got together & figured how she was screwing them around but by then she'd finished her rotation & moved on to another store. She's someone else's problem now.
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