Archived Are there any other good departments to work other than Beauty when it comes to hours?

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Jun 2, 2017
I'm just really so sick of it. I was originally Softlines and they asked me if I was interested in trying something better, so they gave me beauty almost year ago.

It was all good and everything. I liked doing the boxes and stock here and there new everything, I'm doing my Guest service and interactions. However, one of the leaders I'm convinced has something against me, he has called me into clerical for not doing a lot of guest service, and doing the interactions the way they're supposed to be. I'm so sick of getting coached, then I had another one for missing 2 people in the next aisle! And as stupid as it may sound another one was not looking smiley (I had bad nausea due to my some food poisoning), the leader didn't care I was sick even though I showed him the doctor note and prescription.

I'm so sick and tired. This guest service interaction thing is dumbshit.

I'm more operational, and honestly don't like to interact with people that much.

The only thing I like from beauty is the good hours as I work 35 hours every week and that's because Beauty has open to close coverage, so it has set hours.

I don't want to do Softlines and Electronics because they also are under the same pressure when it comes customer service and the stupid interactions.

Are there any other departments with good hours?
What’s the volume of the store? If overnight still exists, that is your best bet. Either that or backroom if it still exists but otherwise there’s possibly only Flex as you’re only picking orders and don’t need to guest service as much (because you are on a time crunch).

But everything is becoming guest-first so you’d be hard pressed to find a position that’s just task oriented and has full time hours.
There’s a lot where guest service isn’t a *huge* focus. Headlines — technically we’re supposed to guest service everyone but we’re always too busy so our leaders never really get on us. If we miss a guest service on like a DTL or something they remind us but that’s about it. Omni Channel is talking to guests on the phone and drive ups, but no sales pressures. Flow/backroom have virtually no interactions with guests. Dairy/frozen is in the cooler a lot and thus doesn’t have nearly as much interaction. Otherwise, SFS.
Try anything under Flex Fill and dayside backroom. At my store the people that can work those departments, and do them well, will get full hours every week.
In the next year, every team except Fulfillment will be expected to provide excellent guest service to every guest. Keep that in mind.
I go insane all the time but you just have to be friendly and approachable. I have gotten lots of good guest service even with pushing like a machine.
HR barely has guest interactions as we’re always at TSC completing our tasks. If you’re good with your coworkers and don’t mind being on the computer alot, then try seeing if your store has an HRTM position open.
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