Archived Backpay problems...

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May 31, 2012
So I've started working at Target a little more than a year ago in October as a cart attendant. Right around January I was trained in Photo and by February-March I was solely Photo. I'm still in Photo but about a week ago I learned that Photo Team Members are supposed to be PG 5, and I was only PG 3. I brought this up with HR and they gave me the raise, but told me I could only be prorated, or back payed, two weeks, when I've been working for over a year! I told HR that they'd have to fix it, but they said the system wouldn't let them and they'd have to contact their HR district boss or whatever, but they couldn't say wheather that would work or not. If they tell me its not possible I'm not sure what I'll do.... I mean I worked for that money, its not my fault they goofed up and didn't pay me. Any advice????
sounds like your hr tech isn't trying to do there job. Continue to press the issue with them, failing all else hr can just cut you a check for the difference.
I rec'd back pay for 3 months of photo work. You definitely can get more backpay.
It is suggested to talk to your etl-hr. also, ck your review from last year & see what workcenter was listed. Does it mention a raise or paygrade change?
The person I spoke to was the ETL-Hr. He told me that I was right, that I was PG 3 and he had to change me to PG 5.
Yes, it might be necessary for them to talk to their Human Resources Business Partner to get approval to give this quantity of retro pay. The question is, what percentage of your shifts was spent doing the pay grade 5 work versus the pay grade 3? Too bad Target isn't Unionized, or you would have gotten the Pay Grade 5 pay INSTANTLY!
So I've started working at Target a little more than a year ago in October as a cart attendant. Right around January I was trained in Photo and by February-March I was solely Photo. I'm still in Photo but about a week ago I learned that Photo Team Members are supposed to be PG 5, and I was only PG 3. I brought this up with HR and they gave me the raise, but told me I could only be prorated, or back payed, two weeks, when I've been working for over a year! I told HR that they'd have to fix it, but they said the system wouldn't let them and they'd have to contact their HR district boss or whatever, but they couldn't say wheather that would work or not. If they tell me its not possible I'm not sure what I'll do.... I mean I worked for that money, its not my fault they goofed up and didn't pay me. Any advice????
Go to your STL if your not satisfied with your ETL-HR's answer. I wouldn't generally recommend calling integrity over this, but a year is a lot of money to be missing, even if it is .25 an hour more, it add's up! If nothing is done at the store level and you've exhausted all your options, call integrity. Target policy is for them to pay you for every second of your work at the *CORRECT* paygrade you should be in. Backpay is issued if needed, and, no, your ETL-HR is LYING to you, that two week rule is complete bull.
Sounds like a bunch of laziness. About seven months in I realized they had my main workcenter as Sales Floor when I was hired as Electronics. My ELT-HR had no problem getting me all of the backpay on my next paycheck.
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