Archived Backroom Help!!

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DMNDZ bruhh

Former Backroom Dayside
Apr 13, 2012
Hi, i was wondering if any of you here can help me. About 2 weeks ago i started being cross trained for Backroom (currently on the Flow Team). i was just briefly taught by my TL how to back stock and pull and now i can do it good and on time, i even recognized all if not most stockroom and fill groups. here is my problem though. i was told about "Ghosts"( items that are not physically in the location but the system says it is) and Baffles( items that are there but not in the system)sorry if I'm wrong about this I'm still a noob. i ask my TLs but they barely scratch the surface on it, and there have been times where i was pulling autofills and come across ghosts. Now, how would i go about fixing these errors when i come across them? a step by step process would be VERY helpful since this is stressing me out a lot when i go back there. PS i tend to ask ALOT of questions, other Backroom Team members are very helpful, but Ive been left on my own lately to pull whole stockroom by my self (which i don't mind at all) but I'm still in training mode pretty much.
To fix a ghost you hit m delete. You won't know there is a ghost there untill a pull takes you looking for an item. There is no other way to fix it except to work the detail reports and empty locations often and keep the stockroom as condensed as possible. Making sure things are condensed and not having four of the same item in four places instead of all together and keeping product low and tight will help lower errors. When you work the detail report and come across a ghost, use subt to remove the dpci of the product that is missing. When you see that there is a item in a location and no dpci listed on the report for that spot, simply remove the item or sto it. Personally when
I find something that was not in location I throw it on a pull because it will usually re pull anyway, and there is a good chance it will go to the floor if it has been 'lost' for a while. You sound interested in learning more about backroom team, which is awesome! Our team is always in need of a few people who want to take pride in keeping the stockroom perfect!
thats really helpful, thank you! i will definitely do that when i come across a ghost again!. i feel like an idiot asking this but what is a detail report? lol. my TL told me to do something called LOCU and re scan everything in the location to update it but thats all he said on the issue of Baffles i think it was, and yes i am very eager to learn the backroom ways because I've been trying to get crossed trained for months, and now that i finally got it i don't want to do ANYTHING to screw it up, I've worked so hard to get to this point, not many people at my store do.
A "Detail report" is just that, lol. It has almost everything you need to know about located merchandise. Anything that is backstocked, including ghosts, show up on this report. Who backstocked it, what day, is it clearance? NOP? Discontinued? The DPCI, the Quantity, and a small description. I wouldnt worry about it too much at the stage you are at, but it's good to see a flow team member so excited to be cross trained in the backroom! I wish I had flow team members like that haha :/ (The big bad freezer scares them off)

As far as what your TL tols you, that's what we do in our backroom. Here are the steps:
-When you come across this ghost, hit R-eturn.
-X-it the batch
-A prompt will come up asking if you want to continue, hit Y-es
-S-kip that location
-Proceed with the rest of your pull, then it'll take you back to the ghost at the end.
X-it the batch, then hit N-o this time, and R-eturn, to the main menu.
-Type "LOCU", (it'll ask if you are sure, press C-ontinue)
-scan the location where the ghost is at
-go back to the main menu and re-enter your batch
Now STO whatever else is actually there back into place

LOCU is a powerful tool, so you must be VERY CAREFUL! It deletes everything in that location out of the system! So you have to make sure you re-STO everything that is actually physically there, back into place.
That seems like a lot of effort.... But it's keeping an error from being recorded in the pull function? Whatever it takes to keep those numbers green... On paper anyway....
We are having a problem keeping softlines green at the moment, maybe I will give this a try while I am catching ghosts tomorrow.... Ghost hunter.... That sounds like a way better gig then 4am retail at the moment.
When there's something your backroom...who you gonna call? Ghost Busters!

Reading it, it does look like a lot of effort but once you actually do it it's not so bad. Unfortunately, you can't Shift+7 to LOCU so that's why there's so many steps.

I'm curious about this Detail Report. Can any TM view it or is it for TL+ only? I've heard of it before but never actually seen it myself. I'm not exactly a Ghost Buster, but there are days that I'd like to hunt down Discontinued stuff.
Detail Report is available on the Store Applications menu, generally found on the Sign & Label PC. I know TLs and ETLs have access to it, but I'm not sure if other logins make it available. It's easy enough to pull up, I'm sure your TL or ETL could show you what it looks like. They should be working it and reviewing it regularly anyway. As an ETL, I prefer my TL or myself to audit the detail report to dig into root causes (read: problem areas or TMs), but we have TM ownership of the empty location audits. It's working well so far.
That seems like a lot of effort.... But it's keeping an error from being recorded in the pull function? Whatever it takes to keep those numbers green... On paper anyway....
We are having a problem keeping softlines green at the moment, maybe I will give this a try while I am catching ghosts tomorrow.... Ghost hunter.... That sounds like a way better gig then 4am retail at the moment.

Its is a lot of work because it is cheating. It used to be easier but they tried to keep people from doing it. By not using M-delete and using LOCU then reports will never reflect who and what is causing the errors so they will never be fixed. That being said almost everybody is cheating. We do not cheat at my store and we stay green however everybody who tranfers from another store is suprised we use M-delete.
you guys have been very helpful thank you! today i went in to pull autofills and was asked to take the backroom quiz on the computer, luckily i passed
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