Archived Backroom location accuracy woes

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Formina Sage

Probably still better than you at the stacker
Staff member
May 15, 2011
My backroom team can't seem to keep their head above the water and maintain a good accuracy percentage. We hover right around 98.5, sometimes dipping lower but I've never seen us break 99 in the last 7 months or so. We're consistently in the bottom 1/4 of our group.

What are some tips and routines to help our score improve? I'm not really sure where the fault lies - whether it's inaccurate keying of quantities, not maintaining a good practice of open stock/case stock separation, not LOCUing as frequently as can be done, or what. 😕
How can we turn it around?
My backroom team can't seem to keep their head above the water and maintain a good accuracy percentage. We hover right around 98.5, sometimes dipping lower but I've never seen us break 99 in the last 7 months or so. We're consistently in the bottom 1/4 of our group.

What are some tips and routines to help our score improve? I'm not really sure where the fault lies - whether it's inaccurate keying of quantities, not maintaining a good practice of open stock/case stock separation, not LOCUing as frequently as can be done, or what. 😕
How can we turn it around?

Its a difficult issue to fix without actually seeing your stockroom and looking at your numbers... I can usually take a look at a stores numbers for an hour and walk their stockroom and narrow alot of the issues down, but without being there the specifics of why you are struggling are hard to explain! The first step is to look at consistent patterns in errors being made... do most of your errors come from open stock, case stock, or receiving? Is there a certain fillgroup or stockroom that causes most of your errors? Do alot of errors come from m-deletes or maybe someone is consistently LOCUing wrong? Also walk the stockroom, because often times visually spotting issues (without even using the reports) will give out red flags as to where issues have and will be! I can look at our store's cosmetics right now and know its red in accuracy without looking at the reports! Remember to compare all of these with past weeks too... Look for consistent patterns in the numbers over the course of a few weeks...
We had a bit of an issue with that last 4th quarter. We ended up having a closed backroom, only allowing schedule backroom tm's to be the only ones to pull and backstock. Even team leads can not pull or backstock. This ended up elimating alot of the problems off the bat. Our backroom accuracy has been #1 in the group since then.
One issue at my store br is, certain things are not coming out to the floor. Like comp books, & notebooks. I was pulling my exf, & found 2 pallets of comp books were half located. So I relocated both pallets with all dpci's. I did partner with the dayside brtl to help monitor all bulk notebook, paper, & comp pallets.

I am having so many issues with bts & btc right now. It is driving me nuts.
My store is having a lot of the same issues and have been jumping between 97.10 - 97.89. I've heard a few possible quick fix remedies but don't know if Other stores use them in everyday pulls. One is leaving all ghosts in the gun till the end of your pulls then using backroom detail report to burn them, increasing your accuracy but it's sort of artificially inflating the score. The other is I've been told to never use m-delete and a faster fix is to hop out of the batch and locu the location then jump back into the pull. I have no idea if that even counts against accuracy or not. Other then doing the obvious of having a brand BR is there any Other little tricks to increase accuracy?
My store is having a lot of the same issues and have been jumping between 97.10 - 97.89. I've heard a few possible quick fix remedies but don't know if Other stores use them in everyday pulls. One is leaving all ghosts in the gun till the end of your pulls then using backroom detail report to burn them, increasing your accuracy but it's sort of artificially inflating the score. The other is I've been told to never use m-delete and a faster fix is to hop out of the batch and locu the location then jump back into the pull. I have no idea if that even counts against accuracy or not. Other then doing the obvious of having a brand BR is there any Other little tricks to increase accuracy?

I don't know what volume your store is, but there is no way I would have the time to use these "quick" fixes. You shouldn't have to resort to manipulation to boost your location accuracy. The BR team simply needs to pay attention to what they are doing.
Its a difficult issue to fix without actually seeing your stockroom and looking at your numbers... I can usually take a look at a stores numbers for an hour and walk their stockroom and narrow alot of the issues down, but without being there the specifics of why you are struggling are hard to explain! The first step is to look at consistent patterns in errors being made... do most of your errors come from open stock, case stock, or receiving? Is there a certain fillgroup or stockroom that causes most of your errors? Do alot of errors come from m-deletes or maybe someone is consistently LOCUing wrong? Also walk the stockroom, because often times visually spotting issues (without even using the reports) will give out red flags as to where issues have and will be! I can look at our store's cosmetics right now and know its red in accuracy without looking at the reports! Remember to compare all of these with past weeks too... Look for consistent patterns in the numbers over the course of a few weeks...

Great advice! As someone else mentioned, close your backroom. We have a lot of issues coming from folks who have no idea what they are doing or why we do things a certain way. We also had a team member sabotage our electronics stockroom, but thats a whole other issue.
I'll generally try and "save" us any errors while I'm pulling, by compensating for pull quantities that might be off by using common sense and toggling to STO and U-updating. But it seems like no one else can be bothered to do this.

I can't actually think of a real-life example of this but next time I'm pulling I'll try and remember what I did lol.
I'll generally try and "save" us any errors while I'm pulling, by compensating for pull quantities that might be off by using common sense and toggling to STO and U-updating. But it seems like no one else can be bothered to do this.

I can't actually think of a real-life example of this but next time I'm pulling I'll try and remember what I did lol.

This may save the numbers for the time being, but I never really support covering up mistakes... The whole point of having the accuracy reports is to see where mistakes are being made and trying to hammer them out! They are a reflection of the team's performance, and if they aren't doing well then the reports should show that and be fixed accordingly...
Don't use m-delete. EVER. EVER. Back out of the application, locu, and then re-enter the application. IF it still takes you to the ghost, then let the ETL know and let them make the decision. 99% of the time locu'ing fixes the problem. Start there. Over time you will fix the leftover problems and after that it is an issue of the team being accurate when backstocking. Observe and take notes who is backstocking where and and when. Check with the day side person and see where they ran into issues. If day side says, "yes, I ran into 3 ghosts in GRC2 during the CAF's and 1 during the price changes." From there it is easy. It takes time, but it is a fixable problem. GO TEAM!
Don't use m-delete. EVER. EVER. Back out of the application, locu, and then re-enter the application. IF it still takes you to the ghost, then let the ETL know and let them make the decision. 99% of the time locu'ing fixes the problem. Start there. Over time you will fix the leftover problems and after that it is an issue of the team being accurate when backstocking. Observe and take notes who is backstocking where and and when. Check with the day side person and see where they ran into issues. If day side says, "yes, I ran into 3 ghosts in GRC2 during the CAF's and 1 during the price changes." From there it is easy. It takes time, but it is a fixable problem. GO TEAM!

Definitely a big no no... This is the exact reason they took away the option of toggling while in LOCU! Because stores would cheat by toggling out like described and LOCUing the location (and end up with numbers extremely close to 100% accuracy)... Like I said in the previous post, you should not look for ways to make your numbers green! If you are going out of your way to make them green, you are defeating the purpose of the reports! They are tools for you to use, not a report card for us to change so our parents won't ground us!
Definitely a big no no... This is the exact reason they took away the option of toggling while in LOCU! Because stores would cheat by toggling out like described and LOCUing the location (and end up with numbers extremely close to 100% accuracy)... Like I said in the previous post, you should not look for ways to make your numbers green! If you are going out of your way to make them green, you are defeating the purpose of the reports! They are tools for you to use, not a report card for us to change so our parents won't ground us!

I think the problem was created when they started putting your group ranking up on the board. Now suddenly being green was not good enough everybody now was expected to be high up in the group. So now everybody uses the cheats. I do not allow it but, believe it or not I have had to defend it before when asked why this or that stores numbers are higher. I simply point out count how many M-delete errors they have. None. Then of course the question why can't we do that? Because its cheating and not Best Practice. Of course if everyone else is cheating and getting better numbers the pressure then comes to you to equal those numbers. I mean come on we are solid green who cares where we rank.
Don't use m-delete. EVER. EVER. Back out of the application, locu, and then re-enter the application. IF it still takes you to the ghost, then let the ETL know and let them make the decision. 99% of the time locu'ing fixes the problem. Start there. Over time you will fix the leftover problems and after that it is an issue of the team being accurate when backstocking. Observe and take notes who is backstocking where and and when. Check with the day side person and see where they ran into issues. If day side says, "yes, I ran into 3 ghosts in GRC2 during the CAF's and 1 during the price changes." From there it is easy. It takes time, but it is a fixable problem. GO TEAM!

A good idea in theory but I see where Rock_Lobster is coming from too. Also, the amount of time this would add to pulling would drive me crazy. :blowup:
Back to School is destroying our BR accuracy right now. With thousands upon thousands of pencils, notebooks, etc., all of which are located in 3 backroom light duty aisles, 1 bulk side aisle, a lot of bulk pallets, 2 aisles in HBA stockroom, our accuracy has been obliterated.:facepalm:
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