Archived benefits...

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Dec 8, 2011
so, my store is buzzing a bit about the up-coming re-enrollment, our HR has announced at several huddles that we'll be having benefit meetings to discuss the "new big changes". many people think we're about to get screwed, a lot are worried about their families. has anyone done re-enrollment yet? i think the different regions do it at different times?
Have not heard anything yet,but the questions in the surveys over the last few years about which benefits are most important to us always concerned me as I looked upon them as a way to find out what could be taken away and cause the minimum of trouble.
We discussed the changes today in a meeting. No biggie. Smokers now have a smoking fee that is easily waived. 2012 will be the last year for the PPO. Next year will be account based only (HSA, etc.) No automatic enrollment this year. You MUST chose your plan.
bye bye PPO plan. Only HSA and HRA will be available. Smokers 5 dollar a week fee. If you claim a dependent on your insurance, be ready for an extensive background check to ensure they are actually your dependents.
bye bye PPO plan. Only HSA and HRA will be available. Smokers 5 dollar a week fee. If you claim a dependent on your insurance, be ready for an extensive background check to ensure they are actually your dependents.

PPO is here this year. NEXT year it's gone. I advise switching to HSA and socking money away though. May as well get a jump on it!!
PPO is here this year. NEXT year it's gone. I advise switching to HSA and socking money away though. May as well get a jump on it!!

Right.... I failed to mention that, but only those who have the PPO currently can enroll in the PPO this year. Those Team Members have been "grandfathered" in. I have to do my research as to whats the best. HRA or HSA
The HRA and HSA plans are complete sh**. What a joke this is.

Anyone know if ETLs get to keep the PPO (or even something better)?
With the HSA, Target puts xxxx a year in your HSA. For a married couple, I believe it is $250 a year. If you put 20 a pay period in the HSA, that is an additional $500ish. These days, that isn't too bad. Yearly exams and woman visits are covered, so many folks will not dip into the HSA.
With the HSA, Target puts xxxx a year in your HSA. For a married couple, I believe it is $250 a year. If you put 20 a pay period in the HSA, that is an additional $500ish. These days, that isn't too bad. Yearly exams and woman visits are covered, so many folks will not dip into the HSA.

Dude, are you like 18? For those of us getting older, this is freaking huge. You have any idea how much cancer costs? HIV? Pretty much any other illness that lasts longer than few weeks? $500 in chump change. Try about $500,000 in the first year medical bills for any serious illness. Hell, even being in the hospital a week can costs thousands of dollars. In some cases, probably more than a TMs entire annual earnings.
not pleased that the PPO plans are going away. i took a precaution and had my spouse take my children onto his insurance, so they won't be effected by any changes. my children need to be covered with comprehensive care at all costs :/

i don't know anything about HRA plans, and HSA is a health care spending account? any money you put into that account does not carry over to the next year, am i correct?
Dude, are you like 18? For those of us getting older, this is freaking huge. You have any idea how much cancer costs? HIV? Pretty much any other illness that lasts longer than few weeks? $500 in chump change. Try about $500,000 in the first year medical bills for any serious illness. Hell, even being in the hospital a week can costs thousands of dollars. In some cases, probably more than a TMs entire annual earnings.

Yeah man, I'm 18. That is a very intelligent post. HSA plans are fine.....yes they are different from PPO plans, but will pay for your cancer nonetheless. Dig your ego out off your ass and be thankful that Target even cares enough about you to help you out.
not pleased that the PPO plans are going away. i took a precaution and had my spouse take my children onto his insurance, so they won't be effected by any changes. my children need to be covered with comprehensive care at all costs :/

i don't know anything about HRA plans, and HSA is a health care spending account? any money you put into that account does not carry over to the next year, am i correct?

Yes it rolls!!
Dude, are you like 18? For those of us getting older, this is freaking huge. You have any idea how much cancer costs? HIV? Pretty much any other illness that lasts longer than few weeks? $500 in chump change. Try about $500,000 in the first year medical bills for any serious illness. Hell, even being in the hospital a week can costs thousands of dollars. In some cases, probably more than a TMs entire annual earnings.

exactly. i don't feel comfortable giving too much information, but one of my kids was diagnosed with a rare disorder. $500 will not even cover a visit to a specialist...
not pleased that the PPO plans are going away. i took a precaution and had my spouse take my children onto his insurance, so they won't be effected by any changes. my children need to be covered with comprehensive care at all costs :/

i don't know anything about HRA plans, and HSA is a health care spending account? any money you put into that account does not carry over to the next year, am i correct?

Quick Yahoo search pretty much confirms HSA and HRA plans are trash. Also you are confusing it with the FSA account. FSA expires, HSA at least does not expire.
I'm clearly wrong here, so ya'll can form your own opinions of this GIANT SCARY change. Relax. It's not that bad. Sorry for being overly snarky.
exactly. i don't feel comfortable giving too much information, but one of my kids was diagnosed with a rare disorder. $500 will not even cover a visit to a specialist...

Target probably figures since so many TMs are still covered by mommy and daddy there won't be much protest. Those of us have kids or are getting older will be completely screwed.
I'm clearly wrong here, so ya'll can form your own opinions of this GIANT SCARY change. Relax. It's not that bad. Sorry for being overly snarky.

Get cancer, then come and tell us that when the hospital wants $200,000 for the first month of treatment and you don't have insurance that covers it.
This is scary. I don't know all the details, but if there has to be a meeting about it, it has to be bad.
So glad I'm on my wife's insurance and don't have to deal with this crap.
Her union makes sure they have good healthcare and that it doesn't get taken away or changed without serious negotiation.
i had the hmo or whatever, and then i decided to do the other because of the price. big mistake. my daughter was ill, was hospitalized for a couple of weeks. i'm still paying it off, where, with hmo i would be out $200. last time i swapped back. if you're young, it's just on you, you can save a lot of money with the hra/hsa/etc. but with my family, im sticking with my hmo.
i had the hmo or whatever, and then i decided to do the other because of the price. big mistake. my daughter was ill, was hospitalized for a couple of weeks. i'm still paying it off, where, with hmo i would be out $200. last time i swapped back. if you're young, it's just on you, you can save a lot of money with the hra/hsa/etc. but with my family, im sticking with my hmo.
Yep, I learned that lesson too. A trip to the ER that would have cost $150 under the HMO cost over $1000 with the cheapo plan. Went back to the HMO during the next enrollment period.

insiteful1 - how does that Kool-Aid taste?
So glad I'm on my wife's insurance and don't have to deal with this crap.
Her union makes sure they have good healthcare and that it doesn't get taken away or changed without serious negotiation.

Same for me,I have no deductible ,only copays!!! With kids who are always breaking a bone,getting something stuck up their nose,and a few emergency surgeries,we need an outstanding health plan!!!
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