Archived Best Team Survey

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somewhat agree strongly to a degree
slighty somewhat agree strongly to a varying degree
somewhat agree
neither agree strongly or disagree strongly
neither agree slightly or disagree slightly
neither agree nor disagree
strongly slightly disagree with various parts of this statement
somewhat strongly slighty disagree

etc etc
I think this year I'm going to give nothing but positive responses, and then in the miscellaneous comments section at the end, make some comment that gives away my true identity. Been thinking it over, gonna give sucking up a try.
I think this year I'm going to give nothing but positive responses, and then in the miscellaneous comments section at the end, make some comment that gives away my true identity. Been thinking it over, gonna give sucking up a try.

Sucking up works, it shouldn't, but it does.
I decided I'm not going to bother filling one out.... Maybe it will piss them off because my store is all about 100% participation
Pretty sure the BTS scores/participation are factored into the AE score, which affects how much everyone's raise will be the next year. This might not be true, I wasn't fully paying attention during that AE meeting. If it is true, everyone should choose positively.. ;-)
and that is also crap. we are given the chance the grade management, and if we tell the truth then we are punished. wtf.
100% participation hasn't done squat for raises so they pretty much got what they paid for.
I hate the fact that it is on the computer instead of the pencil.

They make us take our is in the TSC which means anybody can come by and look over our shoulders and see what we are doing.
did I really start this thread by spelling the word 'best' wrong? wow, I blame the bullseye on my brain!😛ardon:

sorry - truly
All I know about the bts is that every year at my store the same things come up... then the same solutions come out... then they forget all about it 6 weeks later... Turns out that target life is relatively cyclical!!!
A team memeber took it the other day and one of the hr leaders in my store was over the guys shoulders being all remember his happened remember we did this for you this year...talking to him and watching him fill it out how is that even right? You really expect to get truthful answers from people that way? And then if anyone speaks up they're on some hit list for the year. So I wonder why nothing gets better and we have a sucky turnover rate for leaders and team members in my store. Gee I'm totally clueless.
I'm not sure how it will be at my new store this year, but I enjoyed it at my old one. I was one of about 3 people at my store who are well known for being honest about our opinions. What I made sure about myself though is I never gave it unless asked. They fully new that they would get an honest answer, both critical and complimentary. A lot of times during our discussions about the survey, everyone would end up being quiet just to make the STL have to turn to me with a half smile and say "Well XXXXX, what are your thoughts on why this number was off this year?". I would answer with enough tact not to offend, but they would get a response that would accurately describe why the score was the way it was.
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