Archived Best Team Survey

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May 24, 2012
When you take the survey they say its anonymous, you don't have to give your name and no one will know who you are. But then they ask questions like "whats your store number" , "what department do you work in", how many years have you worked at Target"' etc etc. By the time you answer all these personal questions they could figure out EXACTLY who you are!
What makes you think that people put even remotely the right answers? I know I don't.
Since it's entirely voluntary and you have concerns about privacy and anonymity just opt out.

It's not voluntary at my store. I told them I didn't want to take it at that time & they forced me to take it. They force us to take & respond to the United Way drive also. In my store, all they care about is manipulating the reports so the management looks good.
Um, the survey is not mandatory.

Handing that information to them in the survey is not.
Um, the survey is not mandatory.

Handing that information to them in the survey is not.

When they tell you you HAVE to take it, it really doesn't matter if it's officially mandatory or not. They can & do FORCE people to take their surveys. They keep track of who took it & who still needs to be dragged into TSC to take it.
Sounds like a hotline issue to me.
The survey and United Way are both voluntary.
If you are being forced to do them it should be reported.
Sounds like a hotline issue to me.
The survey and United Way are both voluntary.
If you are being forced to do them it should be reported.

I would choose caution with that advice as it almost always comes back to bite you. At least that is what I have seen in the past.
When they tell you you HAVE to take it, it really doesn't matter if it's officially mandatory or not. They can & do FORCE people to take their surveys. They keep track of who took it & who still needs to be dragged into TSC to take it.

I'm sorry, the Survey IS mandatory and I'm not sure why I wrote that. The information they ask that can lead to identification, such as how many years you worked there or how long you intend to work there is voluntary.

I refused to take the survey in TSC, I took it on the signing computer.
It's not voluntary at my store. I told them I didn't want to take it at that time & they forced me to take it. They force us to take & respond to the United Way drive also. In my store, all they care about is manipulating the reports so the management looks good.

You are not REQUIRED to give money to United Way, but if you do not wish to do so Target still requires you to fill out the form and fill in the amount you contribute as $0.00
You are not REQUIRED to give money to United Way, but if you do not wish to do so Target still requires you to fill out the form and fill in the amount you contribute as $0.00

I always felt like this fell under "soliciting team members on company time and on company premises..."
I always felt like this fell under "soliciting team members on company time and on company premises..."

If you check your handbook, United Way is the only charitable fundraiser - it's once a year and you do not have to participate - just say no. It's great if you can contribute, and/or participate in the few things we do to make it fun. What we do need it the little signature that means we gave you the opportunity - that's what we consider 100% participation.

United Way does alot of great things in the communities and at least we have the option of donating locally.

(on a side note - Target has been contributing to United Way since 1962 - that's a pretty good track record.)

have a nice day...
The survey may be mandatory, but you're not necessarily required to answer every question. You could answer every question with N/A if you wanted.
You can choose to skip those questions that ask for your personal information
When you take the survey they say its anonymous, you don't have to give your name and no one will know who you are. But then they ask questions like "whats your store number" , "what department do you work in", how many years have you worked at Target"' etc etc. By the time you answer all these personal questions they could figure out EXACTLY who you are!
they can ask you to take these different surveys, etc, but you don't have to answer the questions you aren't comfortable answering.
It's not voluntary at my store. I told them I didn't want to take it at that time & they forced me to take it. They force us to take & respond to the United Way drive also. In my store, all they care about is manipulating the reports so the management looks good.
While the "Hotline" is SUPPOSED to be a "third" party to help resolve all types of issues/concerns, the reality is that it's only a telephone receptionist who passes what you say on to a department of employees at Target who then in turn passes your words to your HR and Store Managers to resolve.
Sounds like a hotline issue to me.
The survey and United Way are both voluntary.
If you are being forced to do them it should be reported.
This was the 9th survey I've taken and I will admit that it's the first time I really was honest. I have always assumed that they could figure out who was who so I always put down what looked good, not this year.
A third party gets the results and then summarizes them for Target. By the time leaders get them the focus is on the overall score. Not what one person said. In work centers with less than 4 people taking the survey leaders do not get results, which is why there is a big push for everyone to take it.
I'm kinda curious why the survey is mandatory for store tm's but not distribution, any thoughts people? I know on my key 1 tm participated out of the 9 of us.
I'm kinda curious why the survey is mandatory for store tm's but not distribution, any thoughts people? I know on my key 1 tm participated out of the 9 of us.

The survey is optional for everyone, whether they're at HQ, DCs or Stores. Everyone should be invited to participate, but no one has to take the survey nor should they be pressured to take it. You can either contact the hotline, or email the survey team at [email protected]. They'll help to make sure your store knows that the survey is optional, and the goal for participation is not 100% but 80%!!!
I'm sorry, the Survey IS mandatory and I'm not sure why I wrote that. The information they ask that can lead to identification, such as how many years you worked there or how long you intend to work there is voluntary.

I refused to take the survey in TSC, I took it on the signing computer.

The survey is NOT mandatory for anyone. It's an optional survey and you shouldn't be made to feel like you have to take it. The identification information is optional, but even if you fill it out, it isn't reported at an individiual level, it's just reported at higher levels all grouped together. How are they forcing people to take the survey? I'm curious?
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