Archived Bye Bye Great Team hero

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Jun 14, 2011
I was discussing some possibilities with my ETL-LOG on having a backroom only or overnight only great team hero or great team hero of he week to reward all my TM's hard work. I was told emails have been sent out from corporate putting the great team hero program on hold. Has anyone else heard any rumors flying around about this? I'm wondering if they will just rename it, add to it, or get rid of it completely.
That is actually correct... It was sent out about two weeks ago in an email and it stated that the last round of great team heroes would be in October. After that they are putting a temp hold on the program.
I'm sure it has some politically correct reason. Someone probably got offended that they've never been GTH.
I'm sure it has some politically correct reason. Someone probably got offended that they've never been GTH.

That is probably not that far off. I would say it's because the same 3 or 4 names keep coming up. Rotating the same people defeats the purpose.
Our store is trying something new based on feedback from the GTS... We have three monthly GTHero's, one for front end, salesfloor, and logistics. This month is our first month trying this, we'll see how it goes.
Well they really are/were pointless. You would see the same people always getting it and they had a rotation of which really made no sense. Its like oh well the team member from this field has to get it this month so pick someone when there was someone in a different area who really should have got it but it wasnt that work centers month. I am one of those bitter team members who has never got it either in my many years with the company. I've always said I do not need someone to kiss my butt for every great thing I do because I am just doing my job but when you see the names who really did not do anything special to get it and only got it because they had to pick someone it is rather annoying!
Devil's advocate here....

Maybe the same people keep getting it because no one else is worthy?

I haven't seen the same person get it twice yet at my store =/ I've only got it once, seems like Salesfloor/Logistics dominates it every month lol.
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That is probably not that far off. I would say it's because the same 3 or 4 names keep coming up. Rotating the same people defeats the purpose.

I would argue the opposite. If someone really earned the team hero title one month its not hard to imagine them being in the running during other months. If people are chosen because its "their turn" then it cheapens the whole process! Of course this assumes they were chosen based on merit in your store not some other reason. 🙂
Our store is different, you can only be great team hero once which is kind of dumb imo. It rotates by department, so 1 will be front lanes, next backroom, ap, etc. I'm always disappointed on who they choose because I feel theirs a few that are always on top of things yet never get chosen, which may GTH pointless.
It was not posted till last 3 years at my store. Before that, mgt came up & said thank you for gtmh for the month of whatever.
you guys saying gth was a sham... have you nominated anyone to the exec team? sometimes they don't know until you let them know.

they're supposed to release a new improved version of gth in 2012.... which means it'll probably get a huge bulletin board with 100 people that has to be changed every month and we'll probably get coached for not completing the paperwork for it. 😉
Yes, i did one tm on my status report. This tm always help us & hl, with no credit till now. That tm cares about the guest, the sale, & knows what the spot carries. Gtc to that tm!
TLs at my store have "Top Monthly Performer" that they recognize TMs with as well... Its not as public as Great Team Hero, but they let the TM know why they got it, and buy them something from Food Ave 😀 Also, its not specific to one department either, so the Hardlines TL could for example recognize a Front End TM for helping them out a lot.
you guys saying gth was a sham... have you nominated anyone to the exec team? sometimes they don't know until you let them know.

they're supposed to release a new improved version of gth in 2012.... which means it'll probably get a huge bulletin board with 100 people that has to be changed every month and we'll probably get coached for not completing the paperwork for it. 😉

I swear the amount of time I spend writing about what I should be doing intead of doing it is really getting stupid.
It is sad to say, that etl's don't know who the new tm's are, anymore. Now, they may meet once them once every 2 weeks in a month.
I feel GTH is kind of pointless, it really, at my store anyways, seems to recognize the people that just do things they are told, not much more. We had a cashier come in and go crazy with RedCards, now that looks great on paper. However, the way she did it was by pushing and prodding, something I found just plain annoying, and she was horrible and just about everything else. She got GTH, over people who had been there for years and done what they were asked, in addition to so much more stuff that is helpful, but not measured by some "metric." To me GTH should recognize the people that go above and beyond to help the store, not the ones that just do there job and are "green" With that said, I don't feel like getting rid of it is a good idea, despite the fact I have never got it.
We've had a few repeats, but they do a good job of recognizing people who truly deserve it at my store, including people who don't have to brown-nose their way to the top. I've never gotten GTH myself, but I'm working on it! 😉
Thank god! GTH is a big joke IMHO and they only pick brown nosers or their favorites at least at my store anyways. Good riddance....
Its all feel good garbage anyways, used to make you feel better about the fact that your under payed and overworked.
I don't care about GTH, GTC, or any other acronym. If I'm doing a good job, give me more money. That's why I'm there.
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