Archived Calling Integrity Hotline

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Feb 1, 2012
I have no reason to do so my Higher ups are fair but what does calling them actually do and is there any action taken from calling them or is it just someone to confide in.?
I have no reason to do so my Higher ups are fair but what does calling them actually do and is there any action taken from calling them or is it just someone to confide in.?

Oh they take calls pretty seriously. Usually someone from HQ will partner with your STL and they will have to investigate the situation.

I wouldn't call them until you've entirely exhausted all options within your store. That means TL, ETL HR, STL.

They will more than likely know its you and if nothing results from the report its gonna get a lot worse for you in the store.
Calling the Hotline gets you through to a 3rd party Telephone Receptionist who takes down all the details you give them, however that's where the 3rd party services end, after that, the information is passed to your STL and ETL HR for them to investigate the situation, and as someone else said, usually it leads to alot of work place stress for the person who calls. Too bad people don't realize the huge improvement they could get from Unionizing...
Oh they take calls pretty seriously. Usually someone from HQ will partner with your STL and they will have to investigate the situation.

I wouldn't call them until you've entirely exhausted all options within your store. That means TL, ETL HR, STL.

They will more than likely know its you and if nothing results from the report its gonna get a lot worse for you in the store.
Usually a documented report is made and sent to your DTL or STL to determine if the claims are true.
and your hr investigates by pulling everyone involved in and questioning them with no discretion whatsoever.

dont bother with the hotline.
the only time I would do so (and have done so) is when you feel like you have done as much as humanely possible in store and you are still hitting brick walls. Mine also had to do with TM safety and an LOD's disregard for safety or any business other than her personal business. ETA: I told my name to the hotline because I figured that it would be easy enough to figure out who did it...I was right the next time I was at work I was called in to the principal's office (STL) BUT I would do it again because it brought about an almost immediate change in our safety protocol for leaving the store. (except of course this idiot ETL)

I am having trouble with another TM (for over a year) but feel that I am being mostly heard at the store level. I am learning to let go of some things and she hasn't made a personal attack in quite awhile. Though I might be tempted to call if it once again escalates.
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I have no reason to do so my Higher ups are fair but what does calling them actually do and is there any action taken from calling them or is it just someone to confide in.?

The integrity hotline is pretty much a "do or die" scenario for store Leadership. Hotline calls are often taken by the Group HR leader or a designated ETL-HR with years of experience. After a hotline call is made, reports are sent to district, group and Corporate level HR's and actions plans are created and must be carried out with 30 days. When calling you have the opportunity to remain anonymous and trust me, you will remain anonymous. We had one team member call the hotline anonymously and our STL was on the war path to find out who it was. Needless to say the day after, the STL started her War Path. She was out the door!!!! The Hotline is a serious matter, for team members and Leadership. Even thought the Hotline is there for Team Members, I do strongly suggest that you work out your issues first with store level leadership as everyone above have suggested.
The integrity hotline is pretty much a "do or die" scenario for store Leadership. Hotline calls are often taken by the Group HR leader or a designated ETL-HR with years of experience. After a hotline call is made, reports are sent to district, group and Corporate level HR's and actions plans are created and must be carried out with 30 days. When calling you have the opportunity to remain anonymous and trust me, you will remain anonymous. We had one team member call the hotline anonymously and our STL was on the war path to find out who it was. Needless to say the day after, the STL started her War Path. She was out the door!!!! The Hotline is a serious matter, for team members and Leadership. Even thought the Hotline is there for Team Members, I do strongly suggest that you work out your issues first with store level leadership as everyone above have suggested.

Thanks I was just wondering what actions would be taken if called and what exactly it was there for .No one knows about it at our store. Everyone has given me a very vivid description of its uses. Thankyou all.
If a store gets 2 or more hotline calls in a year, your HR and STL are put under a microscope for awhile. Expect more visits than usual from District level and higher people if this happens.

Yes, they take these calls seriously.
If a store gets 2 or more hotline calls in a year, your HR and STL are put under a microscope for awhile. Expect more visits than usual from District level and higher people if this happens.

Yes, they take these calls seriously.

How do they decide what to take seriously? I mean, there's general whining, and then there are legitimate concerns.

I would think if there's multiple phone calls made within a short time span, that would certainly draw some attention to the store leadership.
Mine was general whining but I didn't do it anonymously. What's funny is a group person was visiting the store to see our section a few days after so I sent him an anonymous email basically saying the same thing and he took it very serious. Turns out my ETL was stiffing my workcenter with hours and giving them to another. All the ETLS were pissed about me calling the hotline and even more pissed about the email but they also strongly respected the no-retaliation policy which made me respect them more.
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