Archived cosmetics

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Sales floor TL
Jun 8, 2011

as some of you might know me i used to be a backroom CTL and was moved onto the sales floor in a,b,c side (HBA/Pets/Chem/Cosmetics, Stationary, Small Apps, Housewares, Home Storage blah blah blah)

Cosmetics is a huge op in my store, we have a dedicated TM (sponsor) but she is all the store has on the sales floor from 7am-11am) besides electronics and TL's Therefore in order to do my tasks (sales plans and all) I pull her to help me set them if i have a lot.. as per my ETL-HL. After we set the store focuses on guest service (CIHYFS etc) therefore she cannot go back into cosmetics again as per my ETL-HL. Because of this my ETL-HL complains that cosmetics is a mess. So i left her in cosmetics and ran late setting sales plans and ad rots.. and my ETL-HL complained...

Anyone see this horrible cycle im in? any other A Side(HBA/cosm) TL's out there??
Your ETL-HL is going to have to bend somewhere. Ask him either for Plano to help doing salesplanners or for extra hours during the day time. Either that or let cosmetics stay a mess. He can't have it all ways.
in our backroom theres no one back stocking cosmetics at all. they sit in repacks filled to the top ( all mixed ). :/
in our backroom theres no one back stocking cosmetics at all. they sit in repacks filled to the top ( all mixed ). :/

Repacks?? That's a big no no at our store. Our cosmetic area is a mess but at least it's accounted for. Repacks filled to the top sounds like our seasonal now. Haha
yes lol repacks!!! Its ridiculous! Our team lead last week was going through the repacks and found all this burts bees lotion was spilled at the bottom so he threw the whole repack out!!! Our seasonal section is probably the worst isle in the store since the seasonal hires back stocked most of it! We used the chemical, pets, and stationary isle to fit them all!! The overnight new hires have to be lazy because when they back stock they shove everything in a waco. The boxes arent full and open. they wont take the merchandise out to put in a waco and they cant write the dam number on the box! We have to update seasonal every week to stay green!
We have one person who comes in 6am to work on cosmetics push & zone. She does help us out on gs & salesplanners. I try to leave her alone when a pallet of repacks for her area.
Pet, does your person come in early? If not, suggest it to your etl. Peace & quiet goes a long way for doing push in that area.
We have a cosmetics tm she is hardly over there anymore. So what we did is reach out to other hl tm's and found a few to help out. They maintain the zone at night so she only has to super one and clean once a week the only really bad aisle is the nail polish. But we're getting new fixtures since are are ghetto....I mean really ghetto

But I suggest findin a couple reliable tm's besides the cosmetics tm and partner with them to keep it looking's also good for development 🙂 Because as leaders were are supposed to make more leaders
We have one person who comes in 6am to work on cosmetics push & zone. She does help us out on gs & salesplanners. I try to leave her alone when a pallet of repacks for her area.
Pet, does your person come in early? If not, suggest it to your etl. Peace & quiet goes a long way for doing push in that area.

She normally works 7-3 or 8-4 m-f usually earlier on Wednesdays to research.. blah ill figure it out.. thanks for all the help team
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