Archived CVS Pharmacy @ Target

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I will be glad when ours start wearing scrubs. You should see some of the outfits they wear. Holy crap. More appropriate for going out partying after work, than being in a professional job. Not that our target team members are any better, but thats another story.
Off topic, but I kinda wish we could have a non-intrusive way of getting the attention of the Cafe TM. It gets pretty tiring having to call out "FOOD AVE! You have a guest!" to get their attention. Or, you know, build it in such a way that they can always have vision of the register...

Lol.. My FA has a bell and no one ever uses it. Everyone just stands there waiting. If I'm on a 15 and I'm there, I'll go "helloooo" but otherwise I just stand there

As a former Food Aver, that's something (and this is personal preference, so don't be offended) but yelling behind the counter like that is something that irritated me to death. My name is not "Food Ave" or "Hello" and it was something that always put me in a bad mood. Again, no quarrels with either of you, it was always just annoying for people that I worked with and saw everyday to not call me by my name just because I was standing where I couldn't be seen.
As a former Food Aver, that's something (and this is personal preference, so don't be offended) but yelling behind the counter like that is something that irritated me to death. My name is not "Food Ave" or "Hello" and it was something that always put me in a bad mood. Again, no quarrels with either of you, it was always just annoying for people that I worked with and saw everyday to not call me by my name just because I was standing where I couldn't be seen.

Definitely, but there really isn't much else I can do if I don't know who's scheduled there that day, except for maybe calling out "Excuse me".
Definitely, but there really isn't much else I can do if I don't know who's scheduled there that day, except for maybe calling out "Excuse me".

My former store was a Super and there was sparse to none coverage in Food Ave there, and there is a lot of wasted space (we also used to have fryers and a grill), so usually when I was there, I'd have to clean out the walk ins during operating hours and it wasn't uncommon for the GSA/GSTL/whoever could see a guest that I didn't know was there to walk back to the walk in and let me know.

Then again, there was only 3 dedicated Food Ave TMs at my store, so you had a 33.333333333% chance of being correct if you called out a name. :)
As a former Food Aver, that's something (and this is personal preference, so don't be offended) but yelling behind the counter like that is something that irritated me to death. My name is not "Food Ave" or "Hello" and it was something that always put me in a bad mood. Again, no quarrels with either of you, it was always just annoying for people that I worked with and saw everyday to not call me by my name just because I was standing where I couldn't be seen.
I always try to use the TMs name, IF I know who is working. If I don't, though, how am I supposed to get their attention???
I always try to use the TMs name, IF I know who is working. If I don't, though, how am I supposed to get their attention???

@Firefox answered that best above.

I would always much rather had someone yell back "Excuse me" other than "HELLLLOOOOOOOO" or call me by the department name. Even just saying "Is anyone back there?" or something to that effect was fine too. Just people that do the two things I mentioned above really agitated me for some reason.

Also, as I said above as well (and I know ASANTS), if it was a Target TM or someone from the pharmacy, they would usually step behind the counter and say something where I could hear it or even come speak to me in person (but other stores may frown upon that).

I'm not telling anyone what to do or how to live, so don't be offended by me mentioning this, it has always been a big pet peeve of mine. My grandmother fell very ill when I was younger and had to have hospice brought in. One of the ladies that came in everyday would NEVER remember my name even though I told her what it was for a week or two in a row. To get me to assist her, she would roam through the house yelling "Helllllooooo", "Hey you", "Hey kid", etc. It would always annoy me to no end and one day, I just didn't respond until she walked into the same room as I was and I told her what my name was again and that if she needed me to help her with anything in the future that she should remember my name since I told her every single day what it was for well over a week. They started sending someone else after that who was much nicer and called me by name if they needed help.

Again, I'm not being pissy with anyone here on this thread, that includes @sher, @Firefox, and you @PharmaQueen. This may not be something that bothers everyone, but it's something that bothered me and I just felt like I should mention it. No hard feelings. :)

I always felt they could get one of the help buttons and put over there but we'd also have to be given a walkie too and that would cost Target a million billion dollars.
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@Firefox answered that best above.

I would always much rather had someone yell back "Excuse me" other than "HELLLLOOOOOOOO" or call me by the department name. Even just saying "Is anyone back there?" or something to that effect was fine too. Just people that do the two things I mentioned above really agitated me for some reason.

Also, as I said above as well (and I know ASANTS), if it was a Target TM or someone from the pharmacy, they would usually step behind the counter and say something where I could hear it or even come speak to me in person (but other stores may frown upon that).

I'm not telling anyone what to do or how to live, so don't be offended by me mentioning this, it has always been a big pet peeve of mine. My grandmother fell very ill when I was younger and had to have hospice brought in. One of the ladies that came in everyday would NEVER remember my name even though I told her what it was for a week or two in a row. To get me to assist her, she would roam through the house yelling "Helllllooooo", "Hey you", "Hey kid", etc. It would always annoy me to no end and one day, I just didn't respond until she walked into the same room as I was and I told her what my name was again and that if she needed me to help her with anything in the future that she should remember my name since I told her every single day what it was for well over a week. They started sending someone else after that who was much nicer and called me by name if they needed help.

Again, I'm not being pissy with anyone here on this thread, that includes @sher, @Firefox, and you @PharmaQueen. This may not be something that bothers everyone, but it's something that bothered me and I just felt like I should mention it. No hard feelings. :)

I always felt they could get one of the help buttons and put over there but we'd also have to be given a walkie too and that would cost Target a million billion dollars.

Yeah, there were definitely times as a GSA or when I was at guest service where I had to go behind Food Ave to let them know that they had a guest. The layout of it is a bit weird at my store, so it's sometimes hard for them to hear the guests.
If I'm saying "hellooo" it's because I can't see the person because they're possibly further in the back of food ave. so idk who's there or if they're there. I'd say excuse me if I could see them. If I'm doing hellooooooo, it's because I'm singing (it's sorta sing songy lol... Not yells) into the abyss. I wouldn't be like "umm hello" to a person standing right there.

On walkie though, I don't respond to my name usually. Idk what these people are saying. Two other names when coupled with walkie noise sound like mine. Gotta say softlines sher or sher softlines or I'm standing there like "is that me?"

You didn't have to defend yourself or mention me, btw..
If I'm saying "hellooo" it's because I can't see the person because they're possibly further in the back of food ave. so idk who's there or if they're there. I'd say excuse me if I could see them. If I'm doing hellooooooo, it's because I'm singing (it's sorta sing songy lol... Not yells) into the abyss. I wouldn't be like "umm hello" to a person standing right there.

On walkie though, I don't respond to my name usually. Idk what these people are saying. Two other names when coupled with walkie noise sound like mine. Gotta say softlines sher or sher softlines or I'm standing there like "is that me?"

You didn't have to defend yourself or mention me, btw..

I said my piece and got my feelings out there so I'm fine. I'm sorry for singling you out, you're cool in my book and everyone I mentioned is too; I'm not trying to start anything with anyone. :)

I rarely used a walkie in my 4+ years at Target, but I hated having to listen for things on there because I'm a little hard of hearing.
"Bored, can you go to 2?"
"Anyone have a location on Bored?"

As a former Food Aver, that's something (and this is personal preference, so don't be offended) but yelling behind the counter like that is something that irritated me to death. My name is not "Food Ave" or "Hello" and it was something that always put me in a bad mood. Again, no quarrels with either of you, it was always just annoying for people that I worked with and saw everyday to not call me by my name just because I was standing where I couldn't be seen.

Ohhhhh, I didn't see this post before. If you can't be seen, how do they know it's you? 98% of team members don't look at the grid. I look, but I look only at my department and hr so I know if I have to cover phones. Sometimes I count how many cashiers are working during my shift so I know how likely it is I'll have to be on backup all day. And I think it's kinda standard to call the dept over walkie. If I have a guest asking for help in toys, I call toys. I don't memorize who's working there, ya know? Lod or gsa/gstl might memorize that, but I wouldn't know who's back there typically.
Is there ever a legitimate reason the pharmacist would come in for a couple hours on a Sunday? @PharmaQueen
@RXninja @Txcpht
Does CVS have the pharmacist go through prescription paperwork when it's closed and no one else is there?

Well, I know our store is converting our software on Wed night. Our pharmacist was going through our C2 cabinet & verifying counts so the overnight pharmacist wouldn't get overwhelmed with returning & rerunning scripts Wed night. Our pharmacy is open on Sundays from 11am to 5pm. Sometimes the pharmacist will come in early or leave late if they have extra stuff to get done or they have a visit coming up. Their DTL or maybe CVS bigwigs might be coming to their pharmacy tomorrow.
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there are countless reasons this may have occurred. CVS conversion stuff is one of them. Well... CVS conversion stuff likely entails ten million reasons.
Others things may be schedule writing-if they haven't converted yet, we are on a paper and pen system. No joke. Could be controlled count inventory, scheduled or specially required. Maybe they have a coaching to write up and without an office have to settle on non-work hours for the privacy. There have been McKesson transmission issues, maybe he was ensuring a deliver transmitted on time and stayed to do extra work. There may be CVS training modules that need to be done that they don't get time to do during open hours. And sadly, last but not least, they could just be playing catch up on things that have been falling behind with all the changes and rushing lately.

Seeing as the pharmacist doesn't get a break or lunch and is necessary to be present during all open hours (few states have stipulations), it can be very difficult for a pharmacist to get anything done.

Our payroll has to be done every Sunday, so that's another possible reason. You are permitted to do it on Saturday if you work in a store that is closed on Sundays.

Our payroll has to be done every Sunday, so that's another possible reason. You are permitted to do it on Saturday if you work in a store that is closed on Sundays.
I think our controlled inventory has to be done (yet again!) before we transition as well. Since it's supposed to be done "after hours," maybe they we're working on that as well...
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So we don't have a pharmacy, but occasionally we have guest asking if we have one. Now, since Target sold there's to CVS. Should I even bother telling them about other Targets that have a Pharmacy? There's literally a CVS next to us already.
Eh, I would tell them to use the CVS in your lot. We will all be on the same software eventually. A lot of the pharmacies near me got converted this week (including mine), so pretty soon it won't matter if they go to a CVS stand alone or CVS inside Target (unless they have ACCHS).
How has the software conversion gone? Many problems?
There have been a few problem. Mostly Autofills (now readyfill), and text messaging. Most info transferred over, but people who had maintenance meds filled automatically need to enroll in readyfill.

And unless people took the tear off fliers we had at pick up the last few months and set it up, they won't get text messaging unless they set it up at Pick Up or Drop Off.

Most issues were minor, but a big one they haven't fixed yet is our store is an hour off on the software. For instance, it thinks at 6pm our time that it is 7pm and we are closed; when in reality we have an hour to go. This means I can't look up waiting prescriptions at Will Call. I have to go to a different PC to look up the patient and go back to pick up. This also means we have to finish our order before 6pm and finish cycle counts before 6pm. So annoying, I don't know why they haven't fixed that yet.
The sign that says pharmacy hours on the entrance now says CVS pharmacy hours. The hours are still the same as they were when Target had the pharmacy. Let the games begin.

Is there going to be a CVS pharmacy logo light put on the buildings of Target stores or no?
I think so, there is already a temporary CVS banner on the outside of the building.
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