Archived Denied From Picking Up Shift?

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Jul 9, 2015
So I picked up a shift on Tuesday to work today from 9 Am till 5 Pm at my local target but mytime self service still hasn't updated with the shift. I originally had 36 hours "scheduled" for this week when I picked the shift but I had to call out yesterday because of a family commitment. Maybe they thought I was trying to do overtime?
Maybe somebody forgot to change the schedule? Just call.
or just go lol,
Call your store.

If they were smart, they would look at your current hours and not your scheduled hours.

But you are probably not denied. The shift change probably hasn't been finalized yet.
If you were denied it would indicate that on the shift swap board.

Also calling out may have been the cause. My store won't let you pick up a shift (or have one approved) if you called off prior to the shift being signed off on. They look at it as trying to make up the hours you lost by calling off. Obviously if it was approved before hand nothing can be done.
our hr never changes anything, even with a week of notice. We all just get a TL to clock us in and do our shizzle, no one ever notices either lol
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