Archived Do you have enough Xbox 4G for black friday?

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Jun 15, 2011
So we had a pallet of Xbox 2 weeks ago, and its was on ad for 40 or 50 dollar giftcard. Apparently, we sold them all, mostly to resellers. Was that suppose to be sold or saved for black friday? I hope DC is sending us more cause I hate to have 20 guests being pissed off we don't have any Xbox that were doorbusters.
Same here. My store had a huge pallet, and we are down in stock. But we make our resellers buy accessories with each core if they want to buy in bulk. I just dont agree with selling them in bulk when we are well aware that they are going to be on AD for the 2 day.
Just limit your sales to two per guest to limit those guys and tell them it's corporate policy only to sell a reasonable amount to a family.
Same here. My store had a huge pallet, and we are down in stock. But we make our resellers buy accessories with each core if they want to buy in bulk. I just dont agree with selling them in bulk when we are well aware that they are going to be on AD for the 2 day.

Around this time of year, you're supposed to limit the amount that resellers can purchase for this very reason. You need to be saving your product for the 2-day ad. I spoke with everyone on my electronics team and we established a strict limit of 1 game console per reseller. Them and their accessories are not worth a huge, angry mob of BF shoppers pissed off cause we have no Xbox consoles.
We only have to deal with one reseller at my store. He only buys video games, nothing else. He likes to buy a whole bunch of games when they go on clearance or when we have the buy get one free deal we had a few weeks ago. I don't mind it, especially for the clearance games. This week we had a whole cart full of clearance games and I just let him have at it. I would rather have him buy a bunch of clearance games at 4-10 bucks. We had plenty of each too where guests still had chances to buy them.
The funny part about requiring that they buy accessories is that its only good for your store. The resellers have started to just return all of the accessories. For example they will buy the wii's and the nunchucks and then go to another store and return all the nunchucks, destroying that other stores sales.
The funny part about requiring that they buy accessories is that its only good for your store. The resellers have started to just return all of the accessories. For example they will buy the wii's and the nunchucks and then go to another store and return all the nunchucks, destroying that other stores sales.

They can return it at the store it was purchased and not affect the attachment rate. An attachment is still an attachment, even if it is returned the next day.
I understand that we need them to get the attachments for the score, but I also thought it was for profitibality. All retailers make a very low mark up on video game systems, almost non exisitent after paying for truck drivers, unloaders, and stockers. By selling the systems to the resellers we are not selling them to a guest who would buy the games and accessories where we make our profits. So when they return the accessories it stops being profitable. The attachment score is just a score based on being profitable. If the score is good but the sales get returned, its just cheating a score.
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