Archived Does your store have a Starbucks?

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Dec 30, 2015
My store does. They put it in where there used to be the customer service desk. The customer service desk is now with the front checkout lanes.
Don't most Targets have a Starbucks? My store has Guest Service in with the checklanes and has 3 registers to also check out small transactions. Most people are confused by its location since they are used to Guest Service being along the front wall or to the immediate right as you enter.
Guest service that is part of the check lanes is known as a igs. These are only found in low volume stores. My store had Starbucks added last year they took the dining area away from food ace to make room. So now we have food ace Starbucks and 3 tables
My store does. They put it in where there used to be the customer service desk. The customer service desk is now with the front checkout lanes.
IGS is the bane of my existence. My store is a B volume store teetering A volume and we were one of the pilot stores for IGS. I can see why only low volume stores seem to get IGSes now 😛

And yes, to answer your question my store got starbucks (along with IGS) with our p-fresh remodel.
Don't most Targets have a Starbucks?
Several of the smaller older stores in my district don't.
The newer stores either have one incorporated upon opening or the demographic doesn't support it.
My ULV store has a Starbucks without Integrated Guest Services (thank the gods!) We got rid of our Cafe due to staffing issues and expanded Starbucks so it is kinda spiffy now. Shame I am not a coffee drinker and dislike the Starbucks menu and prices.
Thank gawwwd,,, NO!OOO!!!!

There is one in a plaza nearby, which is bad enough. We have enough whining from the guests who go to a ULV nearby that does and they don't get it why we don't have it... I don't know the ins and outs of the deal with crapbucks on where these go.. as the plaza with the other one has one right in the plaza and it was there before the ULV got theirs.. so what ever... but thankfully NOT in my store.

We have just the barest of Food Ave... which I would like to see go back to some of the things I see that was done in the past, but NO THANKS on crapbucks, or any of those pilot chains, unless of course you want to get Frishchs or Eat n Park to be a part of that... or Skyline Chili, or White Castle, or BK, or Wendys...
Don't most Targets have a Starbucks?

Right out of the mouths of my guests!!! 🙂 😉 No most don't matter of fact of the 6 or so I frequent for various reasons, 2 have it and this ranges from Supers to my PFresh to ancient GM that has a PH Express (which I would take in addition to our FA).

This is right up there with "You are a super now!" Since you have groceries... No.. Guests don't get the difference, and don't care either.
Right out of the mouths of my guests!!! 🙂 😉 No most don't matter of fact of the 6 or so I frequent for various reasons, 2 have it and this ranges from Supers to my PFresh to ancient GM that has a PH Express (which I would take in addition to our FA).

This is right up there with "You are a super now!" Since you have groceries... No.. Guests don't get the difference, and don't care either.
We don't have ph express it isn't allowed according to our contract within our shopping center. So basically we sell popcorn and soda....
We don't have ph express it isn't allowed according to our contract within our shopping center. So basically we sell popcorn and soda pop....

Yeah.. some of this nonsense is what kept PFresh and/or Super upgrades from happening... which is more than likely why the one ghetto store I go to is not allowed to upgrade to PFresh since the local chain owns the plaza or has first rights of refusal. In our case it may look like the same plaza, it is not.. The local chain is screwed! TGT owns our plot, and was here longggggg before that chain built its plaza.. 🙂 😛

Our FA is pretty much the same.. which is sad, we could do more than pop, popcorn, pretzels, hot dogs, and a few of the sandwiches and salads... and probably add quite a nice chunk to sales... a PH Express, (the new pizza vendor pizzas I think suck!) or something like it would definitely help... crapbucks wouldn't.. . . the nearby ULV which got the crapbucks is in the "shopping" district and they struggle to not become a UULV store... that store has issues, mainly attributable to things I bring up that some here bristle about it being against the rules well... guest what.. that hard line on things is why that store has CRAP, no SHITTY guest scores! And struggle to keep sales YtY..MtM or even WtW... I really thought they would close it.. that store as a bad rep in the district.. BAD![/s]
Yeah.. some of this nonsense is what kept PFresh and/or Super upgrades from happening... which is more than likely why the one ghetto store I go to is not allowed to upgrade to PFresh since the local chain owns the plaza or has first rights of refusal. In our case it may look like the same plaza, it is not.. The local chain is screwed! TGT owns our plot, and was here longggggg before that chain built its plaza.. 🙂 😛

Our FA is pretty much the same.. which is sad, we could do more than pop, popcorn, pretzels, hot dogs, and a few of the sandwiches and salads... and probably add quite a nice chunk to sales... a PH Express, (the new pizza vendor pizzas I think suck!) or something like it would definitely help... crapbucks wouldn't.. . . the nearby ULV which got the crapbucks is in the "shopping" district and they struggle to not become a UULV store... that store has issues, mainly attributable to things I bring up that some here bristle about it being against the rules well... guest what.. that hard line on things is why that store has CRAP, no SHITTY guest scores! And struggle to keep sales YtY..MtM or even WtW... I really thought they would close it.. that store as a bad rep in the district.. BAD![/s]
We have one of "those" stores in my district as well it was supposed to get a pfresh like 4 years ago but they just don't have the sales for it I'm honestly surprised it has stayed open this long.
My previous store didn't have one and I dearly miss not having to pick up endless cups when walking the aisles.

Speaking of IGS.. One of the stores in my district has had once since remodel and they just got SCO.. Talk about sardines in a can! What's in the old GS hole, you ask? f'ing fan central.. So dumb.
They took out our food ave and converted space to Starbucks about 2 yrs ago. Best thing ever, IMO!
Target is Starbucks's biggest licensee so sorry @MasterofLOG because your store will be getting a Starbucks in the future and all targets stores that get remodeled or newly opened will have Starbucks as well. It's become a big focus for the company. My STL had to go to a two hour seminar just about Starbucks.
Target is Starbucks's biggest licensee so sorry @MasterofLOG because your store will be getting a Starbucks in the future and all targets stores that get remodeled or newly opened will have Starbucks as well. It's become a big focus for the company. My STL had to go to a two hour seminar just about Starbucks.

There's a Target store in my area that just doesn't have the space for a Starbucks to be added. For that Target to get a Starbucks the food avenue would have to go. That Target has integrated guest service.
Target is Starbucks's biggest licensee so sorry @MasterofLOG because your store will be getting a Starbucks in the future and all targets stores that get remodeled or newly opened will have Starbucks as well. It's become a big focus for the company. My STL had to go to a two hour seminar just about Starbucks.

So sorry, but .....

We've had all the remodels we will be getting, and this came up at that time... and the result is "No crapbucks for us!" Whooohooo! 🙂 I know 99.999% of the TM's were disappointed while I just grinned all the way... why they offer nothing for me, and just bring in the wrong, rudest guests from the yoga/legging brigade no matter what the scenery might look like.

We have no room for it! Our FA is smaller than my closet at home. Demo's don't match (There are 4 within the ~ 2000 sq mi of the county, 4!) sales not enough.. but yet one of the worst ULV's in the area and district got one during their remodel... So no crapbucks coming to us... Wooot woot! 🙂 We are not on the list to get any remodels any time in the future, other than the conversion of pharmacy which really is not a TGT deal per se.

So, sorry... "No crapbucks for us!"
We have one of "those" stores in my district as well it was supposed to get a pfresh like 4 years ago but they just don't have the sales for it I'm honestly surprised it has stayed open this long.

Whats hilarious is that this store is one that got PFresh remodel, and actually, made things worse! This is a newer store that took a spot in a plaza in the major shopping district of that area, by a traditional mall, etc... BUT that is the WORST side of that town, and has a store that shall not be named close by, and coupled with its TM issues... they are near the bottom end of the D/ULV level.. and they have had the crapbucks since they opened, it does nothing for them... well except maybe exacerbate their guest service issues by bringing in guests who won't tolerate that kind of BS.

This is a store if it had been renovated/built as a Super would probably clean up.. but the PFresh remodel they got is a joke.. they have less and less of everything than my store has.. There is NONE of the two local chains in that area, and only the store that shall not be named super. Hence could easily clean up in grocery!
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