Archived ETL hierarchy

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Sep 17, 2014
I'm curious to know which ETLs are higher up than others. I know that all ETLs report to the STL but do some ETLs have to report to a specific ETL?
I'm curious to know which ETLs are higher up than others. I know that all ETLs report to the STL but do some ETLs have to report to a specific ETL?

I'll speak for my store and in general, although your store may vary from this. At my store:

All ETLs report to the STL.
All ETLs also "report" to ETL-AP, but indirectly. (ETL-AP is not their boss, but the STL expects the ETLs to do what she says)
ETL-Hardlines and ETL-Softlines "report" to ETL-Salesfloor Ops. Your store may not have an ETL-Salesfloor Ops, I've not heard of many stores that have them.
If your store has an ETL-Replenishment (basically ETL-Backroom) they report to ETL-Logistics.
In my store, all ETLs report to STL. If there are senior ETLs, then there's usually a split between hardlines/softlines/market who report to the Seniors who then report to the STL. While the ETLs don't report to ETL OPs, he has his finger (?)/nose (?) in everybody's business.
I'll speak for my store and in general, although your store may vary from this. At my store:

All ETLs report to the STL.
All ETLs also "report" to ETL-AP, but indirectly. (ETL-AP is not their boss, but the STL expects the ETLs to do what she says)
ETL-Hardlines and ETL-Softlines "report" to ETL-Salesfloor Ops. Your store may not have an ETL-Salesfloor Ops, I've not heard of many stores that have them.
If your store has an ETL-Replenishment (basically ETL-Backroom) they report to ETL-Logistics.

What exactly does an ETL-Salesfloor Ops do? My store just got one, tomorrow is her first day
My ETL-Salesfloor Ops is the old ETL-AP and we got a new ETL-AP. I'm not exactly sure what this man does, I'm told that it's pseudo-AP, my ETL-SFO carries an AP walkie, my guess would be he supervises the operations of the salesfloor with emphasis on AP, like merch protecting and PMRs, as well as watching for serious outs and making sure the SFTM's do their jobs.
ETLOps should be able to run the place when the STL isn't there. Mine is the "Go To" who actually knows how stuff works. Going by mine he actually gets his hands dirty vs STL who can't be bothered. They also tend to really cross between your backroom, flow and sales floor processes.
What exactly does an ETL-Salesfloor Ops do? My store just got one, tomorrow is her first day

At my store, the ETL-Ops is in charge of overseeing the process teams (i.e. plano, pricing, instocks, etc.) and making sure the processes are brand and achieving green scores. Before AE14, he was our ETL-Replenishment.
All other ETLs (excepting GE)

This is the hierarchy our store follows, but it's pretty unofficial of course as ETLs are technically equal. STL created this "hierarchy" based on how important he ranks the ETL positions.
At my high volume store, our ETL-Ops used to actually work as an O/N ETL. He seems to be pretty involved with the logistics side of things (instocks, presentation, backroom, sales floor, anything involved in getting product to shelf.) But yeah, pretty smart dude... I could see him being able to run the store like an STL.
Hello all! I just accepted an offer as an Etl replenishment. During the interveiw process everyone was talking about an ETL-log position, an when I mentioned I didn't mind overnights, they offered me o/n replishment. What are the differences between these positions?
Been awhile since I've been in a O/N store and with AE14 changes this may be wrong but I wanna say ETL replinishment is a role only in O/N stores. If I remember correctly replinishment "answers" to the logistics ETL who oversees most of the entire process. Our replinishment ETL focused a lot on the actual flow to the floor of product and look of the salefloor while the logistics ETL focused on everything else.

Ours rotated weekends so there is gonna be some crossover when both aren't there every night.
at my store all of the ETLs report to the STL for security matters the others are expected to do what ETL-AP expects and if there is an HR matter they are expected to do what ETL-HR expects depending on the investigation.
When we had an ETL-Replenishment, he was responsible for overseeing the flow process. He dealt more directly with the flow team than the ETL-Logistics, who dealt with logistics as a whole (i.e. flow, backroom, receiving/reverse). Plus, having more than one exempt working overnight allowed each of them to actually go on vacation once in a while without the entire overnight process going to hell. Now that we're down to one overnight ETL, the other overnight LOD is a SrTL who is limited to 40 hours.

@COGer, as an ETL-Replenishment, you'll report to your ETL-Logistics in addition to your STL. Replenishment can be a stepping stone to a Logistics position if you do well.
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