Archived ETL Remodel........

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Aug 30, 2011
Our ETL-Remodel just realized that she needs to have 44 people hired and trained for overnight in less than two weeks. Boy, are we off to a good start! Anyone got any open SR. TL positions I can transfer too?!?!?!?! Sry, my rant for the year.
You can have my Sr. TL spot. I will vacate it on 12/30/3011, lol.
What's going to happen is she will steal all the people from dayside that she can and train people on the fly so that six months after the remodel is over you will still be cleaning up messes.

Sorry do I sound bitter?
sounds kinda like my store...we usually hire seasonal flow by the start of october, but it's december and there is still 10-15 positions needing filled.
what pissed me off about it is that my store won't hire the help when we actually need it. But when it slows down and eventually becomes dead in like february, they will go on a hiring spree and we will have more team members than we did during 4th quarter. Of course to thin hours out enough so that people are below 24, and of course so that people who have been there long enough to have one or more raises will hopefully get frustrated and quit!
King, gosh! What happen?

In a few sentences...

The company is going down hill F-A-S-T
I hate my leadership team
I just got my Masters in HR Management
I'm moving on

Going out with class..the same way I started 10 years ago.
Congrats on masters. Sorry about your mgt team, they used To be good & now They have gone to the dark side.
Good luck & do stay in touch. I have learn alot of hr stuff from you.
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