Archived Fantasy Target

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Our buddy trips the ap guy with a lamp cord. The chair soften the landing for him. Now, he is headed to cleaning supplies across from the beer coolers.
*I squirt him in face w/green cleaner; AP throws a mesh laundry bag over him & tackles him*
*I tie his feet & hands w/zip ties*
Hog-tied in 8 secs! A rodeo record!
*AP puts him on a tub & PD rolls him out the door. A lawyer runs alongside trying to hand his card to him but runs full-face into the doorframe instead*
Code green at the blue door. Bring an ice pack...
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Guest incident report filed!

Well, now that that is all taken care of, now to finish this remodel!

LOD has called in the Plano Team, SFT, and an unfortunate GSA who was looking for hours to complete!
On th pa:
Attn target guests, the store is now closed & the time is 11pm.
Walking with red & gbguy to the front, to lock the doors.
what a day! I need a beer after we get out.
On radio,
Hl teams, how is zone going? Almost finished?
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From TM on Walkie: "Our zone in toys is almost finished, we have about 3 more aisles; Mini-seasonal is a wreck, and softlines miraculously finished early seeing as their only arson action was the issue in shoes!"
Another TM: "Salesfloor and PFresh zone is complete minus the plano team working on the remodel!"
Guess I'm headed to mini...
Who's buying the beer tonight?
"Fast service needed in juice bar, who is responding?"
Cleaning guys DON'T wear HEELS! Oh, CRAP! AP to the Juice Bar!
Cleaning guys DON'T wear HEELS! Oh, CRAP! AP to the Juice Bar!
Salesfloor, please confirm if the doors are secured? Ap is with gstl & the box.
On radio,
Sf: blue doors are secured.
Sf: green doors are secured.
Hopefully, he doesn't know the tsc exit.
Oh no, it's our buddy again! K1, stay in there! He is headed your way! Red, use your phone & call them please. They were real busy today. I didn't know they were still here.
......aaaaaand I'm dialing right now!
MamaK1 got the gate down in time. He's kicking at it but she's locked up tight.
K1 is chasing our buddy with a flu shot & blood pressure cuff. Look at him run. I am taking pictures of this!
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