Fat Guests on Scooters

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Front of Store Attendant
Apr 19, 2012
You know what really agitates me? A morbidly obese guest using a scooter to shop. Okay, so I understand you are overweight, nobody's perfect, but excuse me: There ARE people with actual disabilities that need to use those things. Our store has 2 and some sweet old lady needed one and the 2 scooters were taken by 2 fat guests probably in their 30's or 40's. These guests could have actually used the exercise, but instead they decided to park their lazy butts in a scooter and cruise through the store. It really grinds my gears when I see that. And the overweight guests at our store are always the ones that spend hundreds of dollars on the stupidest most worthless crap you could find. Anyone else share this sentiment?
ok, I understand - but be careful - you don't know that the overweight guest in fact does have a need to use the scooter. I know overweight people who are young, have health issues that aren't visible, and may be considered overweight.
ok, I understand - but be careful - you don't know that the overweight guest in fact does have a need to use the scooter. I know overweight people who are young, have health issues that aren't visible, and may be considered overweight.

True, I would understand if that were the case. But surely not all are that way. Just sayin'.
The ones at my store are broken because of the obese people. One of them drove it outside and left it in the middle of the road and a car backed into it. No more scooter 🙁
Not to justify their laziness, but anyone who truly has a condition in which they need a mobility scooter should really be bringing one themselves. The ADA does not require stores to provide mobility scooters; though, stores like Target do it anyway for convenience.
Have you ever seen the weight limit on the scooters? A great deal of the people that use them exceed that 300lbs by at least another 100.
And the overweight guests at our store are always the ones that spend hundreds of dollars on the stupidest most worthless crap you could find. Anyone else share this sentiment?

Why's that an issue? Last I checked, Target was a business. Businesses sell things. Things like stupidest most worthless crap. Or are you just talking about stupid foods like multiple of the giant Cheese Ball containers?
We have a pharmacy guest that comes and gets hundreds of $$ in diabetes meds and always has ice cream, Coke, candy, and a bunch of other stuff she shouldn't be eating....all in the scooter, of course. The one day they were all gone when she came in, she actually sat in Starbucks and called the pharmacy to see if we could bring her meds to her!
Why's that an issue? Last I checked, Target was a business. Businesses sell things. Things like stupidest most worthless crap. Or are you just talking about stupid foods like multiple of the giant Cheese Ball containers?

I'm sorry, you'll have to forgive me, it was just me venting my frustrations. I understand the more we sell the better, so that's great. I just can't help myself but to wonder what they do with it when they take it home. Does it get added to their hoarded home? I just don't know and I really just shouldn't care. Everyone has their issue I guess.

On a side note. There is also a couple that comes into our store. If both scooters are there they take them both. If only one, she rides and he walks. They buy everything that is on clearance, grab 100 things they think are on clearance, which then go later to re-shop. And we all love re-shop don't we?
We had a cashier who would work her shift and then shop IN A SCOOTER, buying junk food. Always complained about her stomach being upset because she'd drink three or four espresso shots before her shift and on her lunch break, chased with multiple candy bars. She couldn't understand why she had to go to the restroom every 30 minutes. She actually requested the lane closet to the restroom. hahahaha

Nor did she understand why she didn't last 91 days.
I know that there are people who are fat because they are lazy and just don't want to be bothered trying to lose weight. But as someone here said, there are people who are fat because of a health issue that makes it difficult to walk. I had an aunt who became fat because of her asthma. Not only was it difficult to walk but she was on mega doses of prednisone, and if you know anything about the drug you know that one of the side effects is extreme weight gain. She was only 5' 1" and went from 105 lbs to 220 lbs in just about a year. She needed a scooter to go anywhere and luckily she had family who could afford to get her one. Believe me it's not easy to try to get one of those when you're on a limited income, most insurances will only provide one if you are bedridden. I know this because my Mom tried to get one. All I'm saying is just be careful not to judge people based on the very limited contact you have with them in the store, you can't know the hell they go through each day to make it through the day.
I know that there are people who are fat because they are lazy and just don't want to be bothered trying to lose weight. But as someone here said, there are people who are fat because of a health issue that makes it difficult to walk. I had an aunt who became fat because of her asthma. Not only was it difficult to walk but she was on mega doses of prednisone, and if you know anything about the drug you know that one of the side effects is extreme weight gain. She was only 5' 1" and went from 105 lbs to 220 lbs in just about a year. She needed a scooter to go anywhere and luckily she had family who could afford to get her one. Believe me it's not easy to try to get one of those when you're on a limited income, most insurances will only provide one if you are bedridden. I know this because my Mom tried to get one. All I'm saying is just be careful not to judge people based on the very limited contact you have with them in the store, you can't know the hell they go through each day to make it through the day.

Sorry to hear about that. I'll take that into consideration. It just vexes me when I see someone I know has the ability to walk because I've seen them do it, but chooses not to because there is a scooter available. I'm not trying to offend, I used to be overweight but I worked most of it off so I understand what it's like to be overweight. But, I wasn't terribly overweight. Nobody is perfect. I'm just focusing on those that can but elect the easy way out and in so doing inconvenience those that actually need them. That's all.
Sorry to hear about that. I'll take that into consideration. It just vexes me when I see someone I know has the ability to walk because I've seen them do it, but chooses not to because there is a scooter available. I'm not trying to offend, I used to be overweight but I worked most of it off so I understand what it's like to be overweight. But, I wasn't terribly overweight. Nobody is perfect. I'm just focusing on those that can but elect the easy way out and in so doing inconvenience those that actually need them. That's all.

dude - you don't have a doctorate or are psychic right?

Asthma, heart disease, and arthritis don't always bother you every day - this topic is obnoxious. Might as well change it to "I hate when fat people annoy me"
The people in the scooters don't annoy me... I mean, if you feel the need for one, then by all means use it -- it's what they are there for. Our store has 4 scooters (two old, two brand new - I actually think the two new ones were sent to replace the old ones but our SFT put new batteries in them so wha-la -- 4 scooters). But I digress... What drives me insane is when we get yelled at for not having them available (there actually have been times when all four were out at once -- our store is a hop, skip, and a jump from two large retirement communities). Although I can top em all -- I once had one lady who literally peed and pooped on the scooter and guess who had to clean it up... yes, peoples... me.
Although I can top em all -- I once had one lady who literally peed and pooped on the scooter and guess who had to clean it up... yes, peoples... me.

I remember a guest at my old store who apparently went to the bathroom on a scooter while back in electronics. Let's just say I was glad I was on break so I didn't have to clean it up. The girl who did though, oh her face was priceless afterwards.
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